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ASB        Anti Social Behaviour

ASBO     Anti Social Behaviour Order

BCS        British Crime Survey

BFI         Benefit Fraud Inspectorate

BVPI       Best Value Performance Indicator

CAA        Comprehensive Area Assessment

CCTV     Closed Circuit Television

CIPFA     Central Institute of Public Finance Accountants

CLG        Department for Communities and Local Government

CLS         Community Legal Service

CPA        Comprehensive Performance Assessment

CRB        Criminal Records Bureau

CRM      Customer Relationship Management

CSC        Customer Services Centre

CSR        Comprehensive Spending Review

CVS        Council for Voluntary Service

DDA       Disability Discrimination Act

DEFRA   Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

DfES       Department for Education and Skills

DfT         Department for Transport

DMS       Document Management System

DoH       Department of Health

DWP      Department for Works and Pensions

EHRC     Equality and Human Rights Commission

EIA         Equality Impact Assessment

FOI         Freedom of Information

FTE         Full Time Equivalent

HB/CTB Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit

HIV         Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HR          Human Resources

ICT         Information and Communications Technology

IIP          Investors in People

KCC        Kent County Council

KLOE      Key Lines Of Enquiry

LA           Local Authority

LAA        Local Area Agreement

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