Public Payphone Consultation
This consultation closes on Sunday 9 February 2025.
We want your views on BT's proposal to remove the following public payphones from locations across Swale.
The payphones are located:
- Staple Street, Hernhill, Faversham, ME13 9UA. The payphone has not been used in the last 12 months. The kiosk is listed, and BT are proposing to remove the telephony and lock the kiosk.
- Nr Hernhill Church, Church Hill, Hernhill, Faversham, ME13 9JR. 5 calls were made from this payphone in the last 12 months. The kiosk is listed, and BT are proposing to remove the telephony and lock the kiosk.
- Junction with Mountview, The Street, Borden, Sittingbourne, ME9 8JH. 2 calls were made from this payphone in the last 12 months. BT are proposing to remove this payphone.
The location of each payphone has at least 3G mobile coverage from the major providers.
To make sure that the local community are fully informed, BT have placed a consultation notice on each payphone.
Taking part
To take part in this consultation, you’ll need to send us your comments on these proposals no later than Sunday 9 February 2025.
You can email your comments to Alternatively, you can write to:
- Payphone Consultation
- Strategic Programmes & Assets Team
- Swale House
- East Street
- Sittingbourne
- ME10 3HT
If you represent a community who would like to consider ‘adopting’ a payphone, perhaps for use as a mini-library or a defibrillator site, please also make your request using these contact details.