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Faversham pool receives grant

Published Wednesday 27 March, 2024
Last updated on Wednesday 27 March, 2024

A local swimming pool is set to receive a cash boost of £227,500 from a government grant to improve its energy efficiency and reduce costs.

Swale Borough Council successfully bid for the funding from Sport England’s swimming pool support fund (SPSF), working with Faversham Pools Trust, to retrofit Faversham Pools with energy saving measures.

The air handling unit (AHU), responsible for heating and filtering the air in the pool facility, is from 1993 and in urgent need of replacing.

The grant will fund a new AHU unit, adding heat recovery, which aims to make heating more efficient by recovering lost warmth from its exhausts.

The new AHU will also provide improvements like variable speed fans, greatly improving energy efficiency, air quality and decrease costs.

The Government’s SPSF, a £60m capital investment programme, aims to improve energy efficiency of public facilities with pools and to support the long-term sustainability of public leisure.

264 local authorities have received a share of the funding, including Swale Borough Council, with £20m being provided by Sport England via the National Lottery and over £40m coming from the Government.

Cllr Richard Palmer, chair of the community committee, said:

“We know that this pool is loved by the community, it is a place for children to have fun exercise and socialize and offers a space for people to keep fit.

“So, we are grateful for this funding, which will enable us to make major energy saving improvements to the Faversham pool facility.

“The new heating system will help the Pools offset significant increases in its energy costs.

“Of course, we would have loved to get funding for our other pool facilities, but the demand for the funding far outstripped the funding available.

“We will keep the bid information we used for the other pools in case future funding opportunities become available.”

Michael Ellsmore, Joint Chair of Faversham Pools Board of Trustees, said:

“We are very pleased to have been successful in being granted this funding.

“It builds on our success in improving the infrastructure of the Pools, and I am also grateful to everyone involved in preparing the funding bid.

“Whilst the funding significantly helps us, we continue to face challenges in covering our operating costs.”

Sports Minister Stuart Andrew said:

“Millions of people swim every year in England, but high energy costs mean some pools are struggling financially.

“I know from personal experience the health benefits of getting down to your local pool, whether that’s just for a few lengths, to swim with friends, or a water aerobics class.

“This further £60 million of support from the Government and Sport England will make hundreds of swimming pools more energy efficient so they can keep offering their vital community and health benefits for generations to come.”

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