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Land at Ufton Court Farm

Published Wednesday 3 April, 2024
Last updated on Monday 15 April, 2024

Core Documents for the planning appeal relating to land at Ufton Court Farm, Tunstall, Kent ME9 8HP (ref: APP/V2255/W/23/3333811) can be viewed on LRM Planning’s document library.

All planning application documents can be found under the original planning application reference no. 22/505646/OUT.

The core documents being:

CD 1 Application documents

The following documents are available to read in the CD 1 Application documents folder of LRM Planning's document library:

  • 1.1 Application forms, November 2022
  • 1.2 Covering letter, November 2022
  • 1.3 Site Location Plan, 244-UW-P-001 Rev F
  • 1.4 Topographical Survey, November 2022
  • 1.5 Land Use Parameter Plan, 244-UW-P-003 Rev F
  • 1.6 Green Infrastructure Parameter Plan, 244-UW-P-004 Rev F
  • 1.7 Illustrative Masterplan, 244-UW-P-002 Rev F
  • 1.8 Proposed Site Access Plan, JNY11458-RPS-0100-001D
  • 1.9 Emergency Access Plan, JNY11458-RPS-0100-08B
  • 1.10 Context Plan, 244-UW-P-005
  • 1.11 Environmental Impact Assessment Screening Letter, November 2022
  • 1.12 Planning Statement, November 2022
  • 1.13 Affordable Housing Statement, November 2022
  • 1.14 Draft Heads of Terms, November 2022
  • 1.15 Housing Land Supply Statement, November 2022
  • 1.16 Design and Access Statement, November 2022
  • 1.17 Arboricultural Impact Assessment, Rev C
  • 1.18 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, 2079.37.05
  • 1.19 Heritage Statement, PN1665/HS/1
  • 1.20 Archaeology Desk Based Assessment, PN1665/DBA/1
  • 1.21 Transport Assessment, JNY11458 TA 01
  • 1.22 Framework Residential Travel Plan, JNY11458 TP 01
  • 1.23 Air Quality Impact Assessment, 10469 AQ01 Rv3
  • 1.24 Energy and Sustainability Statement, 10469 EN01 Rv6
  • 1.25 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy, 10469 FRA01 Rv3
  • 1.26 Lighting Assessment, 10469 LA01 Rv3
  • 1.27 Noise Impact Assessment, 10469 NA01 Rv3
  • 1.28 Service Supply Statement, 10469 SS01 Rv4
  • 1.29 Minerals Assessment, 416.064547.00001 Rev 1
  • 1.30 Ecological Appraisal and Ecology Surveys, 8900\8975\ECO\EcIA
  • 1.31 Shadow HRA, 8900\8975\ECO\HRA\8975
  • 1.32 Biodiversity Net Gain Matrix, October 2022
  • 1.33 Statement of Community Involvement, November 2022
  • 1.17 Arboricultural Impact Assessment, Rev C
  • 1.18 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment, 2079.37.05
  • 1.19 Heritage Statement, PN1665/HS/1
  • 1.20 Archaeology Desk Based Assessment, PN1665/DBA/1
  • 1.21 Transport Assessment, JNY11458 TA 01
  • 1.22 Framework Residential Travel Plan, JNY11458 TP 01
  • 1.23 Air Quality Impact Assessment, 10469 AQ01 Rv3
  • 1.24 Energy and Sustainability Statement, 10469 EN01 Rv6
  • 1.25 Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy, 10469 FRA01 Rv3
  • 1.26 Lighting Assessment, 10469 LA01 Rv3
  • 1.27 Noise Impact Assessment, 10469 NA01 Rv3
  • 1.28 Service Supply Statement, 10469 SS01 Rv4
  • 1.29 Minerals Assessment, 416.064547.00001 Rev 1
  • 1.30 Ecological Appraisal and Ecology Surveys, 8900\8975\ECO\EcIA
  • 1.31 Shadow HRA, 8900\8975\ECO\HRA\8975
  • 1.32 Biodiversity Net Gain Matrix, October 2022
  • 1.33 Statement of Community Involvement, November 2022

CD 2 Post Submission Application

The following documents are available to read in the CD 2 Post Submission Application folder of LRM Planning's document library:

  • 2.1 Geo Environmental Preliminary Risk Assessment, 10469 PRA01 Rv4
  • 2.2 Air Quality Management Area Impact Technical Note, February 2023
  • 2.3 Covering letter, February 2023
  • 2.4 Kent County Council Highways Technical Note, JNY11458-05
  • 2.5, Agricultural Land Quality and Considerations May 2023
  • 2.6, Phase 2 Minerals Assessment, May 2023
  • 2.7, Transport Technical Note, JNY11458-06a
  • 2.8 LVIA Wireframe, April 2023
  • 2.9 Illustrative Masterplan, 244-P-002 Rev J
  • 2.10 Green Infrastructure Parameter Plan, 244-UW-P-004 Rev H
  • 2.11 Land Use Parameter Plan, 244-UW-P-003 Rev H
  • 2.12 Response to LVIA review, 12th May 2023

CD 3 Key consultees responses

The following documents are available to read in the CD 3 Key consultees responses folder of LRM Planning's document library:

  • 3.1 Borden Parish Council, 19th December 2022
  • 3.2 Kent Minerals Officer 21st, December 2022
  • 3.3 Historic England, 22nd December 2022
  • 3.4 Climate Change Officer, 23rd December 2022
  • 3.5 Kent Police, 4th January 2023
  • 3.6 Housing Officer, 5th January 2023
  • 3.7 Environment Agency, 6th January 2023
  • 3.8 Southern Water, 6th January 2023
  • 3.9 Conservation and Design, 9th January 2023
  • 3.10 Natural England, 9th January 2023
  • 3.11 National Highways, 9th January 2023
  • 3.12 NHS Kent and Medway, 9th January 2023
  • 3.13 Lower Medway, 9th January 2023
  • 3.14 Swales Footpaths Group, 12th January 2023
  • 3.15 Kent County Council Drainage, 16th January 2023
  • 3.16 Conservation Officer, 17th January 2023
  • 3.17 Kent County Council Economic Development, 18th January 2023
  • 3.18 Natural England, 16th, January 2023
  • 3.19 Planning Policy, 20th January 2023
  • 3.20 Kent County Council Ecology, 20th January 2023
  • 3.21 Borden Parish Council, 20th January 2023
  • 3.22 Environmental Health, 24th January 2023
  • 3.23 Tree Officer, 27th January 2023
  • 3.24 Kent County Council Highways, 2nd, February 2023
  • 3.25 National Highways, 13th February 2023
  • 3.26 Environment Agency, 14th March 2023
  • 3.27 Kent County Council Highways, 28th March 2023
  • 3.28 Kent County Council Highways, 13th April 2023
  • 3.29 Landscape consultant (Peter Radmall Associates), 22nd May 2023
  • 3.30 Housing Officer, 5th June 2023
  • 3.31 Kent County Council Highways, 1st September 2023
  • 3.32, Kent County Council Archaeological Officer, 1st September 2023
  • 3.33 Kent County Council Public Rights of Way, 5th September 2023
  • 3.34, Swale Borough Council Culture and Places, 11th September 2023
  • 3.35, Swale Borough Council Active Travel, 11th, September 2023
  • 3.36, Conservation and Design Manger Officer, 2nd November 2023
  • 3.37 Environment Agency, 2nd November 2023
  • 3.38, National Highways, 2nd May 2023
  • 3.39, KCC Ecology, 9th June 2023
  • 3.40 KCC Highways, 28th July 2023
  • 3.41, KCC Highways, 21st August 2023
  • 3.42 Kent Minerals Officer, 30th May 2023
  • 3.43 KCC Ecology, 26th July 2023
  • 3.44 KCC PRoW, 12th January 2023

CD 4 Determination Documents

The following documents are available to read in the CD 4 Determination Documents folder of LRM Planning's document library:

  • 4.1 Officer’s Report to Planning Committee 9th November 2023
  • 4.2 Late Sheet to Planning Committee, 10th November 2023
  • 4.3 Decision Notice, 13th November 2023
  • 4.4 Council Planning Committee Minutes of Committee, November 2023

CD 5 Appeal Documents

The following documents are available to read in the CD 5 Appeal Documents folder of LRM Planning's document library:

  • 5.1 Appellant SoC, November 2023
  • 5.2 Swale Borough Council SoC, January 2024
  • 5.3 Post CMC Note, 12th February 2024
  • 5.4 Planning SoCG, 23rd February 2024
  • 5.5 Housing Land Supply SoCG, 13th March 2024
  • 5.5a, SCOTT schedule, 13th March 2024
  • 5.6 Landscape SoCG
  • 5.7 Affordable Housing SoCG
  • 5.8 Draft S106
  • 5.9 Draft Planning Conditions
  • 5.10 Appellant Planning Proof of Evidence
  • 5.11 Appellant Housing Land Supply Proof of Evidence
  • 5.12 Appellant Affordable Housing Proof of Evidence
  • 5.13 Appellant Landscape Proof of Evidence
  • 5.14 Appellant Agricultural Land Proof of Evidence
  • 5.15 SBC Planning Proof of Evidence
  • 5.16 SBC Landscape Proof of Evidence
  • 5.17 SBC Housing Land Supply Proof of Evidence
  • 5.18 Appellant Planning Summary Proof
  • 5.19 Appellant Planning Appendices
  • 5.20 Appellant Housing Land Supply Summary Proof
  • 5.21 Appellant Housing Land Supply Appendices
  • 5.22 Appellant Affordable Housing Summary Proof
  • 5.23 Appellant Affordable Housing Appendices
  • 5.24 Appellant Landscape Summary Proof
  • 5.25 Appellant Landscape Appendices
  • 5.26 Appellant Agricultural Summary Proof
  • 5.27 Appellant Agricultural Appendices
  • 5.28 SBC Landscape Summary Proof
  • 5.29 SBC Landscape Appendices
  • 5.30 Appellant Landscape Rebuttal, April 2024
  • 5.31 SBC Planning Supplementary and Rebuttal Proof, April 2024
  • 5.32 SBC Housing Land Supply Supplementary and Rebuttal Proof, April 2024
  • 5.33 SBC Planning Supplementary and Rebuttal Proof Appendix, April 2024
  • 5.34 Appellant Housing Land Supply Rebuttal Proof, April 2024
  • 5.35 Draft Unilateral Agreement
  • 5.36 SBC CIL Compliance schedule, April 2024
  • 5.37 SBC Affordable Housing Rebuttal, 5th April 2024
  • 5.38 KCC Compliance Statement, 10th April 2024

CD 6 Development Plan

The following documents are available to read in the CD 6 Development Plan folder of LRM Planning's document library:

  • 6.1 Swale Borough Council Local Plan, 2017
  • 6.2 Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan, 2013

CD 7 Other Planning Documents

The following documents are available to read in the CD 7 Other Planning Documents folder of LRM Planning's document library:

  • 7.1 Air Quality Guidance, May 2021
  • 7.2 Parking Standards, June 2020
  • 7.3 Swale Landscape Character and Biodiversity, November 2011
  • 7.4 Development Contributions, November 2009
  • 7.5 Regulation 18 Issues and Preferred Options, October 2021
  • 7.6 Draft Housing, Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy, March 2023
  • 7.7 Draft Corporate Plan 2024-2027 2024
  • 7.8 Strategic Housing Market Assessment Part 2 – Objectively Assessed Need for Affordable Housing 2015
  • 7.9 Strategic Housing Market Assessment 2020
  • 7.10 Five Year Housing Land Supply Calculation January 2024
  • 7.11 Housing Land Supply Position Statement November 2023
  • 7.12 Local Plan Viability and Economic Viability Study 2014
  • 7.13 Local Plan Viability Addendum 2015
  • 7.14 Five Year Housing Land Supply Calculation, March 2024
  • 7.15 Swale Housing Allocations Policy Paper, 2020

CD 8 National Policy and Guidance

The following documents are available to read in the CD 8 National Policy and Guidance folder of LRM Planning's document library:

  • 8.1 National Planning Policy Framework, 2023

CD 9 Relevant Appeal Decisions

The following documents are available to read in the CD 9 Relevant Appeal Decisions folder of LRM Planning's document library:

  • 9.1 Land at Dene Road, Cotford St Luke, Somerset, February 2023
  • 9.2 Sondes Place Farm, Dorking December 2023
  • 9.3 Land at Filands Road/Jenner Lane Malmesbury Wiltshire January 2022
  • 9.4 Land to the west of Langton Road, Norton September 2018
  • 9.5 Land North of Upper Chapel, Launceston April 2014
  • 9.6 Land adjacent to Cornerways, High Street, Twyning, Tewkesbury July 2015
  • 9.7 Land at the Corner of Oving Road and A35, Chichester August 2017
  • 9.8 Land between Lodge Lane and Burtons Lane Little Chalfont Bucks March 2023
  • 9.9 Land off Spruce Close, Exeter August 2022
  • 9.10 Oxford Brookes University, Wheatley Campus, College Close, Wheatley, Oxford April 2020
  • 9.11 Land off Swanstree Avenue, Sittingbourne, May 2023
  • 9.12 Land at Wises Lane, Borden, April 2021
  • 9.13 Land off Otterham Quay Lane, Upchurch March 2023
  • 9.14 Land south of London Road, Newington August 2023
  • 9.15 Land off Audlem Road, Stapeley, Nantwich and land off Peter De Stapeleigh Way, Nantwich July 2020
  • 9.16 Land to the south of Cox Green Road, Surrey September 2019
  • 9.17 Land at Station Road, Stalbridge, North Dorset June 2022
  • 9.18 Land within the Westhampnett / North East Strategic Development Location, North of Madgwick Lane, Chichester May 2022
  • 9.19 Land on the east side of Green Road, Woolpit September 2018
  • 9.20 Land off Darnhall School Lane, Winsford November 2019
  • 9.21 Land to the east of Newport Road and to the east and west of Cranfield Road, Woburn Sands (Milton Keynes) June 2020
  • 9.22 Land east of Gleneagles Way, Hatfield Peverel July 2019
  • 9.23 Land off Popes Lane, Sturry September 2019
  • 9.24 Land at Caddywell Lane / Burwood Lane Great Torrington Devon March 2020
  • 9.25 Little Sparrows, Sonning Common, Oxfordshire June 2021
  • 9.26 Land west of Winterfield Lane, East Malling March 2021
  • 9.27 Land at Gate Farm, Hartley Road (APP/M2270/W/20/3247977) February 2021
  • 9.28 Land to west of Heartenoak Road (APP/M2270/W/20/3247397) November 2020
  • 9.29, Burston Nurseries Ltd (APP/B1930/W/21/3279463) January 2022
  • 9.30 Smallford Works, Smallford Lane (APP/B1930/W/20/3260479) May 2021
  • 9.31 Land east of Park Lane, Coalpit Heath, September 2018
  • 9.32 Land west of Wroslyn Road, January 2023
  • 9.33 Post Office Lane, Kempsey, August 2023
  • 9.34 South of Gloucester Road, Thornbury, May 2019
  • 9.35 Station Road, Long Melford, April 2020
  • 9.36 Land at North Lodge, Main road, Worcester, May 2023
  • 9.37 Land north of Collett's Green Road, Collit's Green, August 2023

CD 10 Topic Specific Documentation

The following documents are available to read in the CD 10 Topic Specific Documentation folder of LRM Planning's document library:

  • 10.1 Natural England Climate Change Adaptation Manual: Booklet 7 – Traditional Orchard, April 2020
  • 10.2 Natural England Traditional Orchard Technical Note TIN012, 19th October 2010
  • 10.3 The Landscape Institute with the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, (2013), "Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment" (third edition) 2013
  • 10.4 Natural England (October 2014), 'An Approach to Landscape Character Assessment’ 2014
  • 10.5 Landscape Institute technical guidance note 02/21 ‘Assessing landscape value outside national designations’ 2021
  • 10.6 Landscape Institute technical guidance note 1/20 ‘Reviewing Landscape and Visual Impact Assessments (LVIAs) & Landscape and Visual Appraisals’ 2020
  • 10.7 Landscape Institute technical guidance note 06/19 ‘Visual Representation of Development Proposals’. 2019
  • 10.8 Landscape Institute technical guidance note 2/19 ‘Residential Visual Amenity Assessment’ 2019
  • 10.9 The Landscape Assessment of Kent (October 2004). Jacobs for Kent County Council 2004
  • 10.10 LUC for Swale Borough Council (October 2019), ‘Swale Landscape Sensitivity Assessment’, 2019
  • 10.11 LUC for Swale Borough Council (October 2018), ‘Swale Local Landscape Designations, Review and Recommendations’ 2018
  • 10.12 Swale Borough Council (December 2014) Technical Paper No. 6, Interim Review of Local Landscape Designations and Important Countryside Gaps 2014
  • 10.13 South Kesteven Annual Position Statement, July 2022
  • 10.14 Swale Urban Capacity Study Extract, 2010

CD 11 Relevant correspondence

The following documents are available to read in the CD 11 Relevant correspondence folder of LRM Planning's document library:

  • 11.1 Email from Case Officer on agricultural land, 2nd June 2023
  • 11.2 Email from Case Officer on affordable housing, 19th June 2023
  • 11.3 Email from Case Officer on affordable housing, 3rd August 2023

CD 12 Miscellaneous Documents

The following documents are available to read in the CD 12 Miscellaneous Documents folder of LRM Planning's document library:

  • 12.1 Suffolk Coastal District Council v Hopkins Homes ltd & Richborough Estates Partnership LLP v Cheshire East Borough Council, 10 May 2017
  • 12.2 Hallam Land Management Ltd. v SSCLG 31 July 2018
  • 12.3 Cawrey Ltd v SSCLG and Hinckley and Bosworth BC 23 May 2016
  • 12.4 Nixon, EHDC v SSHCLG [2020] EWHC 3036 (Admin) [54] 13th November 2020
  • 12.5 Forest of Dean DC v SSHCLG [2016] EWHC 2429 [31] 4th October 2016
  • 12.6 Wises Lane planning committee report, 30th January 2019
  • 12.7 Planning and Transportation Working Group Paper – Local Development Scheme, 14th March 2024

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