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Make Things Right Campaign

Published Tuesday 23 January, 2024
Last updated on Thursday 22 February, 2024

Swale Borough Council is backing a campaign to help people living in social housing understand their rights.

The ‘Make things right’ campaign has been set up to help people facing issues with their social housing.

It will make sure people know how to complain and feel empowered that their complaints will be heard.

The campaign aims to make sure people living in social housing know that their landlord is responsible for fixing issues such as mould and damp, leaks, broken locks, poor insulation and other general repairs.

They also need to make changes to your home that you may need due to a disability, as well as tackle any anti-social behaviour such as loud neighbours.

To get an issue sorted you can:

  1. Report it to your landlord, if that doesn’t work you can:
  2. Complain to your landlord, and if it is still unresolved you can:
  3. Escalate the issue to the Housing Ombudsman

If you are unhappy with your landlord’s final response to a complaint, you should contact the Housing Ombudsman, who is free to use and will investigate the issue impartially and fairly.

According to the UK government, last year (April 2022 to March 2023), the Ombudsman ordered landlords to pay over £1 million in compensation to residents.

For more information visit

Cllr Angela Harrison, Chair of the housing and health committee, said:

“We want to support this campaign, as living in a safe environment is a fundamental right - it doesn’t matter if you live in social housing or not.

“It is important that social housing tenants understand their rights, and the process they can follow to fix any issues, through reporting and making complaints.

“This is a great way to spread awareness about what can be done if you feel your living conditions are unsafe.

“Landlords need to act responsibly and keep their properties well maintained and safe for the people living in social housing.

“If they fail to do so, after following the appropriate complaints process, they should be reported to the Ombudsman.”

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