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Call for Sites

As part of the preparation of the Swale Borough Local Plan, we are undertaking a further comprehensive review of potential development land in the Borough. In the Call for Sites event, the Council were particularly looking to increase site options for the following types of development:

  • Sites within Sittingbourne Town Centre and the wider urban area
  • Rural Park Home sites (with good access to essential services)

We welcomed you to submit new sites for any other type of future use including for housing, employment and the travelling community for anywhere else in the Borough.

Any previously submitted sites that were either part of the last two Call for Sites, Regulation 18 or Regulation 19 consultations, did not need to be resubmitted, unless there were changes to the original submission. If you would like to make us aware of any changes in regards to contact details only, please email us, referencing the site in question.

Checking to see if a site has previously been submitted

You can check to see if a piece of land was submitted previously via the SHLAA, Regulation 18 or 19 consultations in 2021, or the previous Call for Sites in 2022, by using the Interactive Map. If the site is shown on the interactive map, it did not need to be submitted again.  If  you have previously submitted a site and it is not shown on the interactive map, please email us so we can investigate.

When using the interactive map, previously submitted sites can be viewed by selecting 'Submitted Sites' on the left hand side of the screen. Sites are outlined in blue and by clicking on the sites, a reference number will be displayed. The reference number should be included in your email to us, if you have a query with an existing site submission.

Please note, even if we identify land as having potential for development, this does not indicate or confirm that we will allocate the site for development, or that we will grant planning permission in the future.

Submitting a site

The opportunity to submit a site closed on 14th November at 5pm.

What happens next

Sites submitted through this ‘Call for Sites’ process will be considered through subsequent updates of the Council’s Strategic Housing and Land Availability Assessment and Employment Land Review studies. These will consider whether the site is suitable, available and achievable. The Council may contact you to clarify details or request further information.

Please email us with any questions.

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