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Iwade Development Brief

Ward Homes and Hillreed Homes have submitted draft development briefs for Iwade to the Council. Together with sustainability appraisals and statements of community involvement these development briefs are being made subject to a period of public consultation by the Council.

Policy AAP9 of the 2008 Swale Borough Local Plan allocates land for approximately 400 new dwellings on two sites at Iwade: land to the south west, in the vicinity of Coleshall Farm (Hillreed Homes); and land to the east of the village, east of Woodpecker Drive (Ward Homes). This policy stipulates that the proposals should include the expansion of the recreation ground at School Lane and the provision of 3000sqm of employment floorspace. Before planning permission can be granted there is a requirement that a development brief be approved by the Council.

The key features of the Ward Homes development brief are:

  • Provision of 90 residential units
  • 27 affordable housing units
  • 2.5ha of land will be made publicly accessible

The key features of the Hillreed Homes development brief are:

  • Provision of 327 residential units
  • 1ha of land for B1 development (access off Sheppey Way)
  • Extension to the existing School Lane recreation ground (0.1ha).
  • Affordable housing will be provided at a rate of 28% (in accordance with policy H5)
  • Provision of areas of informal and formal open space

Once both development briefs are approved by the Council they will be used for development control purposes (in the determination of future planning applications).

Copies are listed below and are available for inspection at Swale House, East Street, Sittingbourne and Sittingbourne Library, Central Avenue, Sittingbourne

The consultation period for these documents occurred between 1 May 2009 to 1 June 2009.

The Documents

(split into sections for ease of downloading)

Hillreed Homes - Land to the south west, near Coleshall Farm

Development Brief:

Ward Homes - Land to the east of Woodpecker Drive

Development Brief:

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