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From the week beginning 16 September, some people may have changes to the day their bins are collected. For more information, read our news article.

Business Rates Review Policy

This consultation closes on Wednesday 30 October.

We're asking for comments from stakeholders and residents on the Non-Domestic Rates Discretionary Rate Review policy.

Under Section 47 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988 (amended under Section 69 of the Localism Act 2011) we're given the discretion to award rate relief to businesses in the following circumstances, where the:

  • customer is a registered charity, or a charitable organisation and the property is used for charitable purposes
  • organisation is not established or conducted for profit and the main objects are philanthropic, religious or concerned with education, social welfare, science, literature or fine arts
  • property is used for recreational purposes and all or part is occupied for the purposes of a club, society or an organisation not established or conducted for profit
  • property is within a Rural Settlement List for the chargeable financial year and the rateable value does not exceed the amount prescribed by the Secretary of State; and
  • property is used for the benefit of the community, and it would be reasonable for Swale Borough Council to make a decision having taken the considerations of persons liable to pay Council Tax

The Discretionary Rate Relief policy has been reviewed by Members to ensure it is meeting the needs of the borough and local residents and businesses. We're therefore consulting on the policy so that local residents, businesses, charities and stakeholders can comment on the policy.

Taking part

Click here to read the revised policy (PDF 477KB).

You can provide your feedback to this consultation online.

For queries or questions relating to this consultation please email:

What happens next

After it has closed, we will carefully consider all the responses to help us make a decision.

A final decision on the proposed policy will be made by the Policy and Resources Committee in November when they have considered the responses.

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