Member Grants
Our member grants scheme is currently closed.
Member grants provide funding to support small scale, local community projects.
Applications should provide cultural, sporting, recreational, health, environmental, heritage, community safety, crime reduction or educational benefits to the local community. We would also support projects that help people with the increasing cost of living.
Preparing your bid
You should download the guidance notes (PDF 128KB) prior to making an application to make sure your project meets the criteria for the grant scheme.
Your application will need the support of a local councillor or councillors. Please ensure you have contacted your local councillor to discuss your proposal and confirm they wish to support the application. Confirmation of the amount the councillor is committing to your application must be included within the application form i.e an email from the Councillor.
For examples of the kinds of schemes that are eligible for a member grant, you can download the transparency information (PDF 460KB).
Once the funding has been awarded and project has taken place a link to the monitoring form will be sent.
Please complete the form and return it with any supporting evidence to the community grants team at Alternatively you can submit your member grant monitoring form online.