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Council Publications

Publications under 'Council'

Corporate Plan

The Corporate Plan sets out how we'll allocate the resources we have to help deliver our priorities.

Inside Swale

Inside Swale is our resident magazine, bringing together information and articles about our campaigns and activities taking place across Swale.

Peer Review

Peer review assesses of the quality of our overall governance systems and how well we serve the residents of Swale.

Revenue Budget and Capital Programme

The Revenue, Budget and Capital Programme sets a budget for our day to day expenditure, prior to the next financial year.

Statement of Accounts

Information about the Council's finances including the cost of services and how they're paid for.


The Council's cemetery regulations are intended to ensure that the cemeteries are maintained to a safe and high standard for the benefit of those who visit and work within them.

National Fraud Initiative

Information about the way we protect the public funds we're responsible for, including fraud prevention.

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