Apply for an Interim Authority Notice
You can use this service if a premises licence has lapsed because the licence holder:
- has died
- become incapacitated
- become insolvent
- has had a change in their immigration status and the premises licence authorises the supply of alcohol or the provision of late night refreshment
To apply for an interim authority notice, you must have a prescribed interest in the premises or be either a personal presentative, insolvency practitioner or enduring or lasting power of attorney for the licence holder.
You must apply within 28 days of the licence lapsing.
You’ll need to pay £23 for an interim authority notice.
You’ll need to visit GOV.UK to apply and pay for an interim authority notice.
What happens next
If we’re satisfied with your application, you’ll become the licence holder. You must tell the designated premises supervisor that you’re the licence holder. If you don’t, you could receive a fine.
If we grant the Notice, the licence will lapse again:
- three months after we’ve received your application for an interim authority notice
- if you withdraw the licence
You’ll need to apply for a premises licence before it lapses again.