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Report parking on grass verges

Use this service to tell us about cars parking on council-owned grass verges.

You’ll need to report parking on Kent County Council-owned land to them.

Before you get started

To report parking on council-owned grass verges, you’ll need to contact our customer service team. You’ll need:

  • the location of the grass verge, including the street name and house numbers
  • a description of any vehicles that are parking there, including their registration, make, model and colour
  • are the vehicles parking on a particular day, time of day

What happens next

Once you’ve told us about cars parking on a grass verge, we’ll investigate your report. We may issue the vehicles with a warning notice and they could be prosecuted up to £500 if they don’t stop.

If you've reported parking on land that doesn't belong to us, we'll send your report on to Kent County Council.

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