Information about bin collections, and opening times, and out of hours services over Christmas and New Year is available in our news section.
Adopted Local Plan for Swale
Chapters in this topic
Examination document library
The library is arranged by category and broadly in chronological order of events, most recent first.
Swale Local Plan Examination in Public, Final Report and Adoption: latest information.
The Local Plan, incorporating the main modifications and additional modifications will be the subject of a report and recommendation to adopt to the Full Council meeting on 26 July 2017.
The Inspector’s Final Report on the Local Plan was received 20 June 2017. It found the Local Plan sound for adoption, subject to inclusion of the Main Modifications set out in her report. The Report can be read here.
Further additional modifications, consequential to the Inspector’s recommendations and for updating and correcting can be read here SBC/PS/137 Further Additional Modifications, 26 June 2017
The Examination in Public resumed on 31 January 2017 and closed 8 February 2017. The Inspector's Inspector's Matters, Issues and Questions (ID/11) can be read here.
Statements to the resumed Examination in Public are also available.
Notes of new documentation added to the website Note 1 - 28 October 2016; Note 2 - 29 November 2016; Library file - lists all documents added to website (February 2 2017)
Public consultation was undertaken on the Main Modifications between 24 June 2016 – 8 August 2016. A summary of Key Issues raised during consultation is available and the Council’s draft responses have been published.
The Inspector published her Interim Findings (ID/9a-ID9d, below) in early 2016, with an indication of additional work and Main Modifications required to make the Plan sound.
However, the Examination process remained open as there were further steps in the process to be completed.
The first phase of the Examination in Public Hearings were held between 17 November and 16 December 2015.
The Council's Schedule of Responses to public consultation on the Main Modifications (SBC/PS/117) - November 2016
To help you find the representations of interest to you we have prepared a Guidance Note, together with an index. The index has been arranged in order by 1) Name, 2) Main Modification number and 3) Representation number.
SBC/PS/117a: Chapters 1-3 - Setting the scene: the context for planning in Swale; Taking a journey through Swale and Our vision, objectives and key diagram (Main Modifications 1-10)
SBC/PS/117b: Chapter 4 - Setting out our local plan strategy for Swale (Main Modifications 11-95)
SBC/PS/117c: Chapter 5 - Core planning policies (Main Modifications 96-122)
SBC/PS/117d: Chapter 6 - Land allocations for new development (Main Modifications 123-235, excluding 191 and 192)
SBC/PS/117e: Chapter 6 - Main Modification 191 and Main Modification 192
SBC/PS/117f: Chapter 7 - Development management policies (Main Modifications 236-283)
SBC/PS/117g: Chapter 8 - Implementation and delivery plan and monitoring arrangements (Main Modifications 284-317)
SBC/PS/117h: Chapter 9 - Proposed modifications to the Proposals Map (Main Modifications 318-428)
SBC/PS/117i: Addendum to schedule of responses Chapter 9 SBC/PS/117h (December 2016)
SBC/PS/117j: Schedule of responses to inadmissable representations
SBC/PS/141a: Schedule of responses to Further Proposed Main Modifications: Station Road, Teynham
Combined summaries and responses (CSR)
SBC/PS/117i: Appendix 1 - CSR 1 Land west of Barton Hill Drive, Minster
SBC/PS/117j: Appendix 2 - CSR 2 Land at Belgrave Road, Halfway
SBC/PS/117k: Appendix 3 - CSR 3 Land at Preston Fields, Faversham
SBC/PS/117l: Appendix 4 - CSR 4 Iwade expansion
SBC/PS/117m: Appendix 5 - CSR 5 Land north of High Street, Newington
SBC/PS/117n: Appendix 6 - CSR 6 Land east of Station Road, Teynham
SBC/PS/117o: Appendix 7 - CSR 7 Land at south-west Sittingbourne
SBC/PS/117p: Appendix 8 - CSR 8 Perry Court Farm, Faversham
SBC/PS/117q: Appendix 9 - CSR 9 Sustainability Appraisal
SBC/PS/117r: Appendix 10 - CSR 10 Implementation and Delivery Schedule
SBC/PS/117s: Appendix 11 - CSR 11 Habitats Regulation Assessment
SBC/PS/141: Combined summary and responses to Further Proposed Main: Station Road
Inspector documents
ID/1 Inspector's Pre-hearing Meeting Agenda (6 May 2015)
ID/2 Inspector's Guidance Notes (6 May 2015)
ID/3 Request for further information from the Council (29 May 2015)
ID/4 Response to the Council's question in para. 11 of SBC/PS/006 (4 June 2015)
ID/5 Inspector's meeting notes to discuss Examination programme (22 June 2015)
ID/6 Inspector's pre-Hearing meeting notes (22 June 2015)
ID/6 Rev 1 Inspector's pre-Hearing meeting notes (2 July 2015)
ID/7 Inspector's Matters, Issues and Questions (6 July 2015)
ID/7a Inspector's Matters, Issues and Questions (16 November 2015)
ID/8 Inspector's note on Programme changes (20 October 2015)
ID/9a Introduction to the Inspector's Interim Findings (4 February 2016)
ID/9b Inspector's Interim Findings - Part 1 (4 February 2016)
ID/9c Inspector's Interim Findings - Part 2 (4 February 2016)
ID/9d Inspector's Interim Findings - Part 3 (4 March 2016)
ID/10 Resumed Hearings Note (4 November 2016)
ID/11 Inspector's Matters, Issues and Questions (25 November 2016)
ID/12 Inspectors Final Report ( 20 June 2017 )
ID/12a Appendix A Inspectors Main Modifications ( 20 June 2017 )
Programme Officer documents
Note from the Programme Officer (14 December 2016)
Resumed Hearings programme v6 (6 February 2017)
Resumed Hearings letter (4 November 2016)
Hearings programme (14 December 2015)
Letter of introduction
Swale Borough Council Documents 2016
Swale Borough Council main modifications documents (June 2016 onwards)
The Local Plan consultation document (SBC/PS/101) is available on a chapter by chapter basis, for ease of downloading:
The purpose of this consultation and Chapter 1 - Setting the scene: the context for planning in Swale
Chapter 2 - Taking a journey through Swale
Chapter 3 - Our vision, objectives and key diagram
Chapter 4 - Setting out our local plan strategy
Chapter 5 - Core planning policies
Chapter 6 - Land allocations for new development
Chapter 7 - Development management policies
Chapter 8 - Implementation and delivery plan and monitoring arrangements
Chapter 9 - Proposed modifications to the Proposal's Map: pages 366-387, pages 388-412 , pages 413-437, pages 438-462, pages 463-479
and other Appendices
SBC/PS101a Erratum for Main Modification 162 Land east of Station Street, Teynham
(SBC/PS/102 is made available in Main Modification number order, on a chapter by chapter basis. It should only be used to look at the Main Modifications. For a full version of the modified Local Plan, see SBC/PS/101).
SBC/PS/102 Bearing Fruits 2031: Schedule of Main Modifications June 2016 - Chapters 1 - 8
SBC/PS/102a Bearing Fruits 2031: Schedule of Main Modifications June 2016 - Chapter 9, pages 211-231
SBC/PS/102b Bearing Fruits 2031: Schedule of Main Modifications June 2016 - Chapters 9, pages 232 - 256
SBC/PS/102c Bearing Fruits 2031: Schedule of Main Modifications June 2016 - Chapter 9, pages 257 - 281
SBC/PS/102d Bearing Fruits 2031: Schedule of Main Modifications June 2016 - Chapter 9, pages 282 - 307
SBC/PS/102e Bearing Fruits 2031: Schedule of Main Modifications June 2016 - Chapter 9, pages 308 - 321
SBC/PS/103 Bearing Fruits 2031:Implementation and Delivery Schedule 2016-17, June 2016
SBC/PS/104 Habitats Regulation Assessment: Bearing Fruits 2031: The Swale Borough Local Plan, Proposed Main Modifications, June 2016 (AECOM)
SBC/PS/105a Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary (SA) of Bearing Fruits 2031: The Swale Borough Local Plan, Proposed Main Modifications, June 2016 (AECOM)
SBC/PS/105b Sustainability Appraisal Addendum (SA) of Bearing Fruits 2031: The Swale Borough Local Plan, Proposed Main Modifications, June 2016 (AECOM)
SBC/PS/105c Sustainability Appraisal Addendum - Erratum
SBC/PS/106 Ranked Assessment of Reasonable Non-Allocated Site Options for The Swale Borough Local Plan, Proposed Main Modifications, June 2016 (AECOM) (nb a spreadsheet containing data on the reasonable site options is available on request)
SBC/PS/106a Ranked Assessment - Erratum
SBC/PS/107 Phasing (2014-15) of Local Plan allocations (inc Modifications)
SBC/PS/108 Consideration of the Local Plan proposed modifications by LDF Panel and Cabinet
SBC/PS/109a Existing and additional allocations - Sheppey area
SBC/PS/109b Existing and additional allocations - Sittingbourne area
SBC/PS/109c Existing and additional allocations - Faversham area
SBC/PS/109d Alternative sites not allocated - Sheppey area
SBC/PS/109e Alternative sites not allocated - Sittingbourne area
SBC/PS/109f Alternative sites not allocated - Faversham area
SBC/PS/110 SHLAA Addendum - Report, Index and Appendix 2
SBC/PS/110a SHLAA Addendum - Appendix 4.1
SBC/PS/110b SHLAA Addendum - Appendix 4.2
SBC/PS/110c SHLAA Addendum - Appendix 4.3
SBC/PS/110d SHLAA Addendum - Appendix 6
SBC/PS/110e SHLAA Addendum - Appendix 7
SBC/PS/110f SHLAA Addendum - Appendix 8
SBC/PS/112 CO/3653/2015 Decision of Mr Justice Ouseley in The High Court of Justice dated 28/04/2016 in respect of St Modwen Developments Ltd (November 2016)
SBC/PS/113 Statement of Housing Land Supply 2015-16 (November 2016)
SBC/PS/113a Addendum to Statement of Housing Land Supply 2015-16 (December 2016)
SBC/PS/113b Blackpool Council Core Strategy Inspector's Report
SBC/PS/113c High Peak Council Local Plan Inspector's Report
SBC/PS/113d Blackburn with Darwen Council Site Allocations and DM Policies Inspector's Report
SBC/PS/113e Rushcliffe Council Core Strategy Inspector's Report
SBC/PS/113f Leeds City Council Core Strategy Inspector's Report
SBC/PS/113g Cheshire East Council Further Modifications Inspector's Report
SBC/PS/113h Preston City Council Site Allocations and DM Policies Inspector's Report
SBC/PS/114 Strategic Access Management and Monitoring Strategy - Memorandum of Understanding November 2016 (December 2016)
SBC/PS/115 Summary of Main Issues Arising from consultation on Main Modifications
SBC/PS/116 October 2016 OAN Advice Note
SBC/PS/117 Draft schedule of responses to the Main Modifications (November 2016) - see list of documents above.
SBC/PS/118 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment - land at South-West Sittingbourne (December 2016)
SBC/PS/118a Figures 1-4
SBC/PS/118b Figure 5 Concept Diagram
SBC/PS/118c Appendices A-G
SBC/PS/119 Monitoring update of Gypsy and Traveller land supply 2015-16 (November 2016)
SBC/PS/120 Sustainability Appraisal (SA) of the Swale Borough Local Plan Post Submission SA Report 3 (South West Sittingbourne) December 2016
SBC/PS/121 Statement of Common Ground Swale Borough Council, Highways England and Kent County Council Highways (12 January 2017)
SBC/PS/122 Landscape Statement in respect of SW/133 omission site (land east of Scocles Road, Minster) and Main Modifications 145/146 (land west of Barton Hill Drive, Minster) December 2016
SBC/PS/122a Plans and Photosheets
SBC/PS/123a South West Sittingbourne Highways Technical Note
SBC/PS/123a 1 SW Sittingbourne Highways Technical Note Drawing Borden Lane Site Access
SBC/PS/123a 2 SW Sittingbourne Highways Technical Note Drawing Wises Lane and A2 Junction
SBC/PS/123a 3 SW Sittingbourne Highways Technical Note Drawing Chestnut St Roundabout and A249 Slip lane
SBC/PS/123a 4 SW Sittingbourne Highways Technical Note Drawing M2 J5 Proposed Interim Improvements
SBC/PS/123b NW Sittingbourne Highways Technical Note January 2017
SBC/PS/124 Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2013-30
SBC/PS/134 Note re ONS (Experimental) Administrative Population Statistics, Peter Brett Associates, January 2017
SBC/PS/135 Appeal Decision London Road (Pond Farm) Newington (January 2017)
SBC/PS/136 Start to Finish - How quickly do large-scale housing sites deliver?, Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners, November 2016
SBC/PS/137 Further Additional Modifications June 2017, 26 June 2017
SBC/PS/138 Swale Borough Council Opening Statement to the Local Plan Inquiry (January 2017)
SBC/PS/139 Maidstone Borough Local Plan Interim Findings (February 2017)
SBC/PS/140 Thames Gateway - Challenges and Opportunities April 2016 (February 2017)
CD/086 Technical Paper No 2 Local Green Spaces (SBC, 2016) - Main Report
CD/086a Technical Paper No 2 Local Green Spaces (SBC, 2016) - Appendix1 ( pages 18-51 , pages 52-85, pages 86-119)
CD/086b Technical Paper No 2 Local Green Spaces (SBC, 2016) - Appendix 2
CD/086c Technical Paper No 2 Local Green Spaces (SBC, 2016) - Appendix 3
CD/086d Technical Paper No 2 Local Green Spaces (SBC, 2016) - Appendix 4
CD/086e Technical Paper No 2 Local Green Spaces (SBC, 2016) - Appendix 5
CD/086f Addendum - schedule of summaries and responses to landowner representations on Local Green Spaces consultation 2016 (December 2016)
Documents submitted during the Examination Hearing Sessions (December 2015)
SBC/EX/01 List of documents submitted during the examination hearing sessions (as at 27/11/2015)
SBC/EX/02 Draft policy for Sheerness Port
SBC/EX/03 Draft policy for Kent Science Park
SBC/EX/04 Information on the effect of the UPC on housing need
SBC/EX/05 Housing Land Supply (on new base date, and 540dpa)
SBC/EX/06 Maps showing distribution of omission sites (Matter 4.10)
SBC/EX/06a Sittingbourne
SBC/EX/06b Isle of Sheppey
SBC/EX/06c Faversham
SBC/EX/07 Modifications to the Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2013-30 (2015)
SBC/EX/08 Thistle Hill housing completions and planning permission note post meeting between SBC and Mr Orpin (see also 73248/1)
SBC/EX/09 Land at Crown Quay Lane, Sittingbourne
SBC/EX/10 Minor corrections to SHLAA main index (SBC/PS/037)
SBC/EX/11 Faversham Creek Neighbourhood Plan - Submission Version
SBC/EX/12 Indicative timetable of dates (updated 28 October 2016)
SBC/EX/13 SBC Comment on Inspector's Findings
The Council's draft Proposed Modifications tabled at Examination (January 2016)
Since the submission of the Swale Borough Local Plan Part 1, and up to January 2016, the Council continued to consider whether further changes to the plan were required in response to representations received and the discussions held during the Examination hearings. As a result, a number of additional changes to the plan were placed before the Examination. These fell under two broad headings as follows
- Schedule A: Main modifications - These are modifications intended to secure the overall soundness of the Local Plan. The Council has taken a cautious approach to determine whether a modification represents a main modification. Generally, where there is doubt as to the classification of a modification, the Council has included it within Schedule A; and
- Schedule B: Additional modifications - These are more minor in nature and are intended to address such matters as changes to improve the understanding of text and policies, factual corrections, omissions and updating. Grammatical and typographical changes are not normally covered as they will be the subject of on-going and final editing.
Both Schedule A (Main Modifications) and Schedule B (Additional Modifications) are available (18 January 2016, SBC/PS/036A and B).
Since receiving the Inspector's Interim Findings (ID/9a-d), the Council has continued to work on modifications to the draft Local Plan, in particular, in response to the issues raised by the Inspector. Consultation on the modifications has now closed.
Swale Borough Council Written Statements to Examination (December 2015)
Matter 1 Procedural matters
SBC/PS/040 Matter 1.1 Legal compliance
Matter 2 Overall strategy
SBC/PS/042 Matter 2.1 Overall approach to development (ST1)
SBC/PS/043 Matter 2.2 Settlement strategy (ST3)
Matter 3 Jobs and the economy
SBC/PS/044 Matter 3.1 Economic growth / building a strong economy and jobs target (4.2.25, ST2, Table 4.3.2)
SBC/PS/045 Matter 3.2 Economic growth distribution (ST3, 4.3.4-4.3.6, 5.1.7, CP1, 6.10)
SBC/PS/046 Matter 3.3 Employment site allocations (ST4, ST5, ST6, ST7)
Matter 4 Housing
SBC/PS/047 Matter 4.1 Objectively Assessed Need (4.2.26)
SBC/PS/048 Matter 4.2 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA)
SBC/PS/049 Matter 4.3 Environmental and infrastructure constraints to delivering the full OAN (including 4.2.8-4.2.12)
SBC/PS/050 Matter 4.4 Viability and deliverability constraints (4.2.17-4.2.18, 4.2.26-4.2.34, ST2)
SBC/PS/052 Matter 4.6 Distribution and phasing of housing development (4.3.4-4.3.8, Table 4.3.3, ST3-ST7)
SBC/PS/053 Matter 4.7 Windfall allowance (4.3.32 - 4.3.34,ST4)
SBC/PS/054 Matter 4.8 Five year housing supply
SBC/PS/055 Matter 4.9 Housing site allocations (ST4, Section 6)
SBC/PS/056 Matter 4.10 Consideration of housing omission sites
SBC/PS/057 Matter 4.11 Housing type and mix and affordable housing (CP3, DM8, DM9)
SBC/PS/058 Matter 4.12 Gypsy and Traveller Pitches (CP3, DM10)
SBC/PS/041 Matter 4.12a LP2 (para 1.0.4) (formerly Matter 1.2)
SBC/PS/051 Matter 4.12b Gypsy and Traveller pitch target (ST2) (formerly Matter 4.5)
Matter 5 Other land allocations
SBC/PS/059 Matter 5.1 Central Sittingbourne regeneration area (Regen 1)
SBC/PS/060 Matter 5.2 Queenborough and Rushenden regeneration area (Regen 2)
SBC/PS/061 Matter 5.3 Faversham Creek Neighbourhood Plan (6.8.8-6.8.14, Statement 7, NP2)
Matter 6 Environmental issues
SBC/PS/062 Matter 6.1 The natural environment / green infrastructure (ST1, CP7, DM28, DM29)
SBC/PS/063 Matter 6.2 The Habitats Regulations Assessment mitigation (ST1, CP7, 7.7.43-7.7.81, Statement 9, DM28)
SBC/PS/064 Matter 6.3 Green spaces and conserving / enhancing the landscape (ST1, CP7, DM18, DM24, ST5, ST6, DM25)
SBC/PS/065 Matter 6.4 Flood risk (4.1.50, ST1, ST3, ST5, ST6, ST7, CP1, DM21)
SBC/PS/066 Matter 6.5 Agricultural land (ST1, ST7, DM31)
SBC/PS/067 Matter 6.6 Heritage (4.1.62-4.1.64, ST1, ST5-ST7, CP8, DM32-DM33)
Matter 7 Other Development Management policies
SBC/PS/068 Matter 7.1 Main town centre uses (DM2)
SBC/PS/069 Matter 7.2 Holiday Parks (DM4)
SBC/PS/070 Matter 7.3 Occupancy of holiday parks (DM5)
SBC/PS/070a Matter 7.3 Occupancy of holiday parks (DM5)
SBC/PS/071 Matter 7.4 Transport demand and impact (DM6)
SBC/PS/072 Matter 7.5 Dwellings in the rural area (DM11)
SBC/PS/073 Matter 7.6 Open space, sports and recreation provision (DM17)
SBC/PS/074 Matter 7.7 Local green spaces (DM18)
SBC/PS/075 Matter 7.8 Sustainable design and construction (DM19)
SBC/PS/076 Matter 7.9 Renewable and low carbon energy (DM20)
Matter 8 Sustainable transport and infrastructure
SBC/PS/077 Matter 8.1 Sustainable transport (CP1, CP2)
SBC/PS/078 Matter 8.2 Highway infrastructure (CP2, AS1)
SBC/PS/079 Matter 8.3 Infrastructure funding (CP6)
Matter 9 Implementation and Delivery
SBC/PS/080 Matter 9.1 The implementation and delivery plan (Section 8, Policy IMP1)
SBC/PS/081 Matter 9.2 Community Infrastructure Levy
Matter 10 Monitoring and Review
SBC/PS/082 Matter 10.1 Monitoring framework (Section 8, 8.2, Table 8.2.1)
SBC/PS/083 Matter 10.2 Local Plan Review
Respondents Written Statements to Examination (December 2015)
Matter 1 Procedural matters
878563/1 Brents Community Association
783603 & 875290/1 Crabtree & Crabtree & Mulberry Est
877722/1 Gladman Developments
72994/1 Home Builders Federation
789410/1 Kent Developments (UK) Ltd
878641/1 LaSalle Investment Management
877557/1 Medway Council
172670/1 Minster Parish Council
878621/1 MLN (Land & Property) Ltd
877563/1 Persimmon Homes
Matter 2 Overall strategy
72806/1 Attwood Trust
878563/2 Brents Community Association
650735/1 Barrow Green Farm
877722/2 Gladman Developments
787021/1 Hallam Land Management
72994/2 Home Builders Federation
789410/2 Kent Developments (UK) Ltd
878641/2 LaSalle Investment Management
172670/2 Minster Parish Council
878621/2 MLN (Land & Property) Ltd
877563/2 Persimmon Homes
652725/1 Preston Fields Land Trustees
865005 & 649995/1 M White, Swan Quay, Hilary Riva
Matter 2.1 Overall approach to development (ST1)
783603 & 875290/2 Crabtree & Crabtree & Mulberry Est
Matter 2.2 Settlement strategy (ST3)
783603 & 875290/3 Crabtree & Crabtree & Mulberry Est
Matter 3 Jobs and the economy
72806/2 Attwood Trust
878395/1 Bellway Homes (Part 1)
878395/2 Bellway Homes (Part 2)
878563/3 Brents Community Association
429231/1 CPRE (Swale)
787021/2 Hallam Land Management
789410/3 Kent Developments (UK) Ltd
878641/3 LaSalle Investment Management
172670/3 Minster Parish Council
876776/1 Mr L Shaw
875766/1 Peel Group
72804/2 Trenport Investments
865005 & 649995/1 M White, Swan Quay, Hilary Riva
Matter 4 Housing
878563/4 Brents Community Association
429231/2 CPRE (Swale)72994/3 Home Builders Federation
865005 & 649995/1 M White, Swan Quay, Hilary Riva
Matter 4.1 Objectively Assessed Need (4.2.26)
72806/3 Attwood Trust
344378/1 Courtley Consultants Ltd
783603 & 875290/4 Crabtree & Crabtree & Mulberry Est
Matter 4.1-2 Objectively Assessed Need (4.2.26) etc
876197/3 Bovis Homes (now see Matter 4.12)
Matter 4.1-4 Objectively Assessed Need (4.2.26) etc
876197/1 Bovis Homes
268343 & 510211/1 G H Dean & E H Nicholls
789410/4 Kent Developments (UK) Ltd
878621/3 MLN (Land & Property) Ltd
652725/2 Preston Fields Land Trustees
73427/1 The Crown Estate
Matter 4.1-5 Objectively Assessed Need (4.2.26) etc
877722/3 Gladman Developments, Pages 1-44, 45-95 , 96-104, 105-142 , 143-170, 171-195 , 196-213
877722/8 Response to SBC/PS/094 from Gladman Developments (16 November 2015)
787021/3 Hallam Land Management
787021/8 Response to SBC/PS/094 from Hallam Land Management (16 November 2015)
878641/4 LaSalle Investment Management
877563/3 Persimmon Homes (Appendix)
Matter 4.1-9 Objectively Assessed Need (4.2.26) etc
172670/4 Minster Parish Council
Matter 4.2 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment
344378/2 Courtley Consultants Ltd
783603 & 875290/5 Crabtree & Crabtree & Mulberry Est
Matter 4.3 Environmental and infrastructure constraints to delivering the full OAN (including 4.2.8-4.2.12)
783603 & 875290/6 Crabtree & Crabtree & Mulberry Est
Matter 4.4 Viability and deliverability constraints (4.2.17-4.2.18, 4.2.26-4.2.34, ST2)
783603 & 875290/7 Crabtree & Crabtree & Mulberry Est
Matter 4.6-4.8.5 Distribution and phasing of housing development (4.3.4-4.3.8, Table 4.3.3, ST3-ST7)
878641/5 LaSalle Investment Management
876197/2 Bovis Homes Matter
877722/4 Gladman Developments
787021/4 Hallam Land Management
789410/5 Kent Developments (UK) Ltd
877563/4 Persimmon Homes
652725/3 Preston Fields Land Trustees
Matter 4.7-8 Windfall allowance (4.3.32 - 4.3.34,ST4) etc
268343 & 510211/2 G H Dean & E H Nicholls
Matter 4.8 Five Year Housing Land Supply
344378/3 Courtley Consultants Ltd
Matter 4.9 Housing site allocations (ST4, Section 6)
344378/4 Courtley Consultants Ltd
783603 & 875290/8 Crabtree & Crabtree & Mulberry Est
268343/4 G H Dean
787021/5 Hallam Land Management
73248/1 D Orpin
874636/1 Persimmon Homes SE (Appendix 1)
483682/1 Southern Water
483682/2 Southern Water
878645/1 Tesco Stores Matter
72804/1 Trenport Investments
Matter 4.10 Consideration of housing omission sites
783603 & 875290/9 Crabtree & Crabtree & Mulberry Est (Appendices 1-3, Appendices 4-6 , Appendices 7-9, Appendices 10-11, Appendix 12, Appendix 13 , Appendix 14)
877722/5 Gladman Developments
787021/6 Hallam Land Management
789410/6 Kent Developments (UK) Ltd
172670/5 Minster Parish Council
878621/4 MLN (Land & Property) Ltd
877563/5 Persimmon Homes (Appendix 1b)
874636/2 Persimmon Homes SE ( Appendix 1 )
652725/4 Preston Fields Land Trustees Appendix pages 1-30, pages 31-60, pages 61-90, pages 91-120 , pages 121-150, pages 151-180, pages 181-210
73149/1 Shepherd Neame (Appendix 1, 73149/1 Appendix 5, Appendix 8 , Appendix 13 plan)
876785/1 S W Attwood
73427/2 The Crown Estate
Matter 4.11 Housing type and mix and affordable housing (CP3, DM8, DM9)
783603 & 875290/10 Crabtree & Crabtree & Mulberry Est
Matter 4.11-12 Housing type and mix and affordable housing (CP3, DM8, DM9) etc
789410/7 Kent Developments (UK) Ltd
877563/6 Persimmon Homes
Matter 4.12 Gypsy and Traveller Pitches (CP3, DM10)
876197/3 Bovis Homes
Matter 5 Other land allocations
878563/5 Brents Community Association
876961/1 Dr H Goodwin
172670/6 Minster Parish Council
865005 & 649995/1 M White, Swan Quay, Hilary Riva
Matter 6 Environmental issues
878563/6 Brents Community Association
429231/3 CPRE (Swale)
268343 & 510211/3 G H Dean & E H Nicholls
877722/6 Gladman Developments
876961/2 Dr H Goodwin
789410/8 Kent Developments (UK) Ltd
172670/7 Minster Parish Council
878621/5 MLN (Land & Property) Ltd
877563/7 Persimmon Homes
73427/3 The Crown Estate
72804/3 Trenport Investments
Matter 6.3 Green spaces and conserving / enhancing the landscape (ST1, CP7, DM18, DM24, ST5)
783603 & 875290/11 Crabtree & Crabtree & Mulberry Est (ST6, DM25)
Matter 6.5 Agricultural land (ST1, ST7, DM31)
783603 & 875290/12 Crabtree & Crabtree & Mulberry Est (Appendix)
Matter 7 Other Development Management policies
72994/4 Home Builders Federation
172670/8 Minster Parish Council
Matter 8 Sustainable transport and infrastructure
429231/4 CPRE (Swale)
783603 & 875290/14 Crabtree & Crabtree & Mulberry Est
268343/5 G H Dean
172670/9 Minster Parish Council
483682/3 Southern Water
72804/4 Trenport Investments
Matter 9 Implementation and Delivery
783603 & 875290/13 Crabtree & Crabtree & Mulberry Est
789410/9 Kent Developments (UK) Ltd
172670/10 Minster Parish Council
Matter 10 Monitoring and Review
877722/7 Gladman Developments
787021/7 Hallam Land Management Matter 10 Monitoring and Review
Swale Borough Council Evidence and notices Post Submission (May 2015 onwards)
SBC/PS/001 S20(7C) Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 - Request (5 May 2105)
SBC/PS/002 Reg 24 Town and Country Planning Regs 2012 - Notice (11 May 2015)
SBC/PS/002a Regulation 24 Notices (4 June 2015)
SBC/PS/003 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) Main Report (SBC, 14 May 2015)
SBC/PS/003a SHLAA Site index
SBC/PS/003b SHLAA Appendix 1a - Partnership comments with Borough Council responses
SBC/PS/003c SHLAA Appendix 1b - Public consultation comments with Borough Council responses
SBC/PS/003d SHLAA Appendix 2 - Sites not forming part of the assessment process
SBC/PS/003e SHLAA Appendix 3a - Sites with planning permission
SBC/PS/003f SHLAA Appendix 3b - Phasing of large and small sites with permission
SBC/PS/003g SHLAA Appendix 4 - Step 5 sites forming the SHLAA supply pages 1-25
SBC/PS/003h SHLAA Appendix 4 - Step 5 sites forming the SHLAA supply 26-50
SBC/PS/003i SHLAA Appendix 4 - Step 5 sites forming the SHLAA supply 51-75
SBC/PS/003j SHLAA Appendix 4 - Step 5 sites forming the SHLAA supply 76-100
SBC/PS/003k SHLAA Appendix 4 - Step 5 sites forming the SHLAA supply 101-114
SBC/PS/003l SHLAA Appendix 4.1 - Sites at Queenborough and Rushenden
SBC/PS/003m SHLAA Appendix 4.2 Sites at Sittingbourne Town Centre and Milton Creek
SBC/PS/003n SHLAA Appendix 4.3 Other sites with potential
SBC/PS/003o SHLAA Appendix 5 - Sites not achieving step 4 ('achievability')
SBC/PS/003p SHLAA Appendix 6 - Sites not achieving Step 3 ('availability')
SBC/PS/003q SHLAA Appendix 7 - Sites not achieving Step 2 ('suitability') pages 1-25
SBC/PS/003r SHLAA Appendix 7 - Sites not achieving Step 2 ('suitability') 26-50
SBC/PS/003s SHLAA Appendix 7 - Sites not achieving Step 2 ('suitability') 51-75
SBC/PS/003t SHLAA Appendix 7 - Sites not achieving Step 2 ('suitability') 76-100
SBC/PS/003u SHLAA Appendix 7 - Sites not achieving Step 2 ('suitability') 101-125
SBC/PS/003v SHLAA Appendix 7 - Sites not achieving Step 2 ('suitability') 126-144
SBC/PS/003w SHLAA Appendix 8 - Sites not achieving Step 1 (policy constraints)
SBC/PS/003x SHLAA Appendix 9 - Maps showing sites at each step: Step 1
SBC/PS/003y SHLAA Appendix 9 - Maps showing sites at each step: Step 2
SBC/PS/003z SHLAA Appendix 9 - Maps showing sites at each step: Step 3
SBC/PS/003aa SHLAA Appendix 9 - Maps showing sites at each step: Sites with potential
SBC/PS/003ab SHLAA Appendix 9 - Maps showing sites at each step: Step 5
SBC/PS/003ac SHLAA Appendix 10 - Methodology
SBC/PS/004 Annual Monitoring Report 2013-14 (SBC, 1 June 2015)
SBC/PS/005 South East LEP Growth Deal and Strategic Economic Plan 2014 - Section 1 (Summary) (1 June 2015)
SBC/PS/005a Section 2 - Strategic Economic Plan
SBC/PS/005b Section 3 - Growth Deal
SBC/PS/005c Section 4 - Area Growth Deals
SBC/PS/005d Section 5 - Federal Structure, Governance and Accountability
SBC/PS/005e Section 6 - Value for Money and Resource Requirements
SBC/PS/005f Appendices
SBC/PS/006 Response to Inspector's request (ID/3) for further information (2 June 2015)
SBC/PS/007 Response to Inspector's Note ID/4 (8 June 2015)
SBC/PS/008 Response to outstanding matters from ID/3 (12 June 2015)
SBC/PS/008a Five-year housing land supply calculation for 2012-13
SBC/PS/008b Spreadsheet illustrating phasing of land supply for 2012-13
SBC/PS/008c Housing trajectory illustrating SBC/PS/008b for 2012-13
SBC/PS/008d Five year housing land supply calculation for 2013-14
SBC/PS/008e Spreadsheet illustrating phasing of land supply calculation for 2013-14
SBC/PS/008f Housing trajectory illustrating SBC/PS/008e
SBC/PS/009 Swale Heritage Asset Review 2015 (23 June 2015)
SBC/PS/009a Letter by Heritage England in response to Swale Heritage Asset Review (12 June 2015)
SBC/PS/010 Faversham Town Heritage and Landscape Study Chapters 1-4 (7 July 2015)
SBC/PS/010a Figure 4 (7 July 2015)
SBC/PS/010b Figure 5 (7 July 2015)
SBC/PS/010c Figures 6-8 (7 July 2015)
SBC/PS/010d Chapters 5-7 (7 July 2015)
SBC/PS/010e Appendices (7 July 2015)
SBC/PS/011 Statement of Common Ground - Swale Borough Council and Highways England (26 October 2015)
SBC/PS/012 Draft EIP Re-programme (22 June 2015)
SBC/PS/012a Progress report on additional research (pursuant to Inspector's Note ID/5) (31 July 2015)
SBC/PS/012b Progress report on additional research (pursuant to Inspector's Note ID/5) (31August 2015)
SBC/PS/012c Progress report on additional research (pursuant to Inspector's Note ID/5) (29 September 2015)
SBC/PS/012d Progress report on additional research (pursuant to Inspector's Note ID/5) (2 November 2015)
SBC/PS/013 Inspector's Report into Swale Borough Local Plan 2008 - Strategic Policies (2007)
SBC/PS/013a Inspector's Report into Swale Borough Local Plan 2008 - Site Allocations (2007)
SBC/PS/013b Inspector's Report into Swale Borough Local Plan 2008 - Omission Sites (2007)
SBC/PS/014 Five year Housing Land Supply 2014-15 calculation (27 July 2015)
SBC/PS/014a Phasing of Local Plan land supply 2014-15 (27 July 2015)
SBC/PS/014b Housing trajectory 2014-15 (27 July 2015)
SBC/PS/015 PAS Local Plans Soundness Self-Assessment Checklist March 2014 (27 July 2015)
SBC/PS/016 PAS Local Plans Legal Compliance Checklist (27 July 2015)
SBC/PS/016a Legal Compliance Checklist Appendix 1 (27 July 2015)
SBC/PS/016b Legal Compliance Checklist Appendix 2 (27 July 2015)
SBC/PS/017 Update of Gypsy and Traveller Land Supply (4 August 2015)
SBC/PS/017a Site locations and phasing (4 August 2015)
SBC/PS/017b Phasing of land supply - trajectory 1 (4 August 2015)
SBC/PS/017c Phasing of land supply - trajectory 2 (4 August 2015)
SBC/PS/019 Health and Social Care Maps (17 August 2015)
SBC/PS/020 Ward unemployment in Kent (17 August 2015)
SBC/PS/021 Summary of Representations on Omission Sites for Policy ST4 (20 August 2015)
SBC/PS/022 Swale Borough Council Agricultural Land Classification Statement (28 August 2015)
SBC/PS022a Natural England Technical Information Note (28 August 2015)
SBC/PS/022b Faversham area agricultural land maps (28 August 2015)
SBC/PS/022c Sheppey agricultural land maps (28 August 2015)
SBC/PS/022d Sittingbourne area agricultural land maps (28 August 2015)
SBC/PS/022e Teynham agricultural land maps (28 August 2015)
SBC/PS/023 Area Profile for Swale (28 August 2015)
SBC/PS/024 Housing Information Audit 2014-15 (9 September 2015)
SBC/PS/025a Strategic Housing Market Assessment Part 1 - Objectively Assessed Housing Need (29 September 2015)
SBC/PS/025b Appendix A1
SBC/PS/025c Appendix A2
SBC/PS/025d Appendix A3
SBC/PS/025e Appendix B1
SBC/PS/025f Appendix B2
SBC/PS/025g Strategic Housing Market Assessment Part 2 - Objectively Assessed Housing Need for Affordable Housing
SBC/PS/026 Commercial Information Audit 2014-15 (9 September 2015)
SBC/PS/027 Kent and Medway Growth and Infrastructure Framework pages 1-67 (29 September 2015)
SBC/PS/027a Kent and Medway Growth and Infrastructure Framework pages 68-132 (29 September 2015)
SBC/PS/028 Statement of Common Ground - Swale Borough Council and Kent County Council (22 October 2015)
SBC/PS/029 Statement of Commom Ground - Swale Borough Council and Natural England (26 October 2015)
SBC/PS/030 Statement of Common Ground - Swale Borough Council and the Environment Agency (21 October 2015)
SBC/PS/031 Swale Borough Council Position Statement in respect of SBC/PS/025 (29 September 2015)
SBC/PS/032 Statement from Thames Gateway Kent Partnership (29 September 2015)
SBC/PS/033 Bearing Fruits 2031 SBLP Part 1 - Sustainability Appraisal October 2015 (8 October 2015)
SBC/PS/033a Bearing Fruits 2031SBLP Part 1 Sustainability Appraisal October 2015 Part 2 (Site Options) (26 October 2015)
SBC/PS/034 Bearing Fruits 2031 SBLP Part 1 - Habitat Regulations Assessment Screening October 2015 (8 October 2015)
SBC/PS/035 Highways England Delivery Plan 2015 - 2020 [September 2015] (15 October 2015)
SBC/PS/037 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) Main Report (SBC, October 2015)
SBC/PS/037a SHLAA Site index
SBC/PS/037b SHLAA Appendix 1 - Trajectory scenarios based on sweeps in Appendix 4 and a range of OAN figures
SBC/PS/037c SHLAA Appendix 2 - List of excluded sites (and potential step reached)
SBC/PS/037d SHLAA Appendix 3a - Large site extant planning permissions: site plans pages 1-12
SBC/PS/037e SHLAA Appendix 3a - Large site extant planning permissions: site plans pages 13-24
SBC/PS/037f SHLAA Appendix 3a - Large site extant planning permissions: site plans pages 25-37
SBC/PS/037g SHLAA Appendix 3b - Extant planning permissions (large sites): phasing
SBC/PS/037h(i) Correction to index for Appendix 4.1, Appendix 4.2 and Appendix 4.3
SBC/PS/037h SHLAA Appendix 4.1 - Sites forming the SHLAA supply (first sweep) - pages 1-37
SBC/PS/037i SHLAA Appendix 4.1 - Sites forming the SHLAA supply (first sweep) - pages 38-73
SBC/PS/037j SHLAA Appendix 4.1 - Sites forming the SHLAA supply (first sweep) - pages 74-106
SBC/PS/037k SHLAA Appendix 4.1a Sites at Queenborough and Rushenden
SBC/PS/037l SHLAA Appendix 4.1b Sites at Sittingbourne town centre and Milton Creek
SBC/PS/037m SHLAA Appendix 4.2 - Other sites with potential – second sweep
SBC/PS/037n SHLAA Appendix 4.3 - Additional sites with potential – third sweep
SBC/PS/037o SHLAA Appendix 5 - Sites not achieving step 4: achievability
SBC/PS/037p SHLAA Appendix 6 - Sites not achieving step 3: availability
SBC/PS/037q SHLAA Appendix 7 - Sites not achieving step 2 (suitability) - pages 1-40
SBC/PS/037r SHLAA Appendix 7 - Sites not achieving step 2 (suitability) - pages 41-83
SBC/PS/037s SHLAA Appendix 7 - Sites not achieving step 2 (suitability) - pages 84-122
SBC/PS/037u SHLAA Appendix 9 - Map showing sites at each step: Step 1
SBC/PS/037v SHLAA Appendix 9 - Map showing sites at each step: Step 2
SBC/PS/037w SHLAA Appendix 9 - Map showing sites at each step: Step 3
SBC/PS/037x SHLAA Appendix 9 - Map showing sites at each step: Other sites with potential
SBC/PS/037y SHLAA Appendix 9 - Map showing sites at each step: Additional sites with potential
SBC/PS/037z SHLAA Appendix 9 - Map showing sites forming the SHLAA supply
SBC/PS/037aa SHLAA Appendix 10 - Methodology
SBC/PS/038 Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment and policy implications - post PPTS August 2015 (16 October 2015)
SBC/PS/039 Ranked assessment of non-allocated site options (27 October 2015)
SBC/PS/084 Stones Farm Development Brief (22 October 2015)
SBC/PS/085 Queenborough and Rushenden Masterplan Volume 1 - Executive Summary and Introduction (26 October 2015)
SBC/PS/085a Context
SBC/PS/085b The Masterplan
SBC/PS/085c Design Concepts and Principles
SBC/PS/085d Appendices
SBC/PS/085e Queenborough and Rushenden Volume 2 - Project Delivery
SBC/PS/085f Supporting Volume - Sustainability Appraisal
SBC/PS/085g Supporting Volume - Appropriate Assessment
SBC/PS/085h Supporting Volume - Sustainability Charter
SBC/PS/086 Queenborough and Rushenden Masterplan - Addendum
SBC/PS/087 Faversham Conservation Area Character Appraisal (22 October 2015)
SBC/PS/088 Agricultural Land Value in Swale (26 October 2015)
SBC/PS/089 Employment land needs in Swale 2014-2031 (26 October 2015)
SBC/PS/090 Landscape and Visual Review - land south of Swanstree Avenue (11 November 2015)
SBC/PS/090a Second Landscape and Visual Review - land south of Swanstree Avenue (March 2016)
SBC/PS/091 Town and Country Planning Tomorrow Series Paper 17 new estimates of housing requirements in England, 2012 to 2037 (11 November 2015)
SBC/PS/092 Making sense of the new English household projections [Ludi Simpson and Neil McDonald, April 2015] (12 November 2015)
SBC/PS/093 Note re London and the Swale OAN (12 November 2015)
SBC/PS/094 Note re Headship Rates and Migrant Profile (12 November 2015)
SBC/PS/095 Medway Council letter to SBC re Duty to Co-operate (13 November 2015)
SBC/PS/096 Kings Lynn and West Norfolk v Secretary of State CLG - judgement on affordable housing and OAN (16 November 2015)
SBC/PS/097 Samuel Smith Old Brewery and Selby District Council - judgement on Duty to Co-operate in respect of Main Modifications (16 November 2015)
SBC/PS/098 Canterbury City Council letter to SBC re Duty to Co-operate (13 November 2015)
SBC/PS/099 Swale Borough Council Opening Statement (18 November 2015)
SBC/PS/100 Appeal decision Canterbury City Council - mixed use development (14 December 2015)
SBC/PS/101 Bearing Fruits 2031: The Swale Borough Local Plan 2031 Proposed Main Modifications June 2016 (consultation document)
SBC/PS101a Erratum for Main Modification 162 Land east of Station Street, Teynham
SBC/PS/102 Bearing Fruits 2031: Schedule of Main Modifications June 2016 - Chapters 1 - 8
SBC/PS/102a Bearing Fruits 2031: Schedule of Main Modifications June 2016 - Chapter 9, pages 211-231
SBC/PS/102b Bearing Fruits 2031: Schedule of Main Modifications June 2016 - Chapters 9, pages 232 - 256
SBC/PS/102c Bearing Fruits 2031: Schedule of Main Modifications June 2016 - Chapter 9, pages 257 - 281
SBC/PS/102d Bearing Fruits 2031: Schedule of Main Modifications June 2016 - Chapter 9, pages 282 - 307
SBC/PS/102e Bearing Fruits 2031: Schedule of Main Modifications June 2016 - Chapter 9, pages 308 - 321
SBC/PS/103 Bearing Fruits 2031:Implementation and Delivery Schedule 2016-17, June 2016
SBC/PS/104 Habitats Regulation Assessment: Bearing Fruits 2031: The Swale Borough Local Plan, Proposed Main Modifications, June 2016 (AECOM)
SBC/PS/105a Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary (SA) of Bearing Fruits 2031: The Swale Borough Local Plan, Proposed Main Modifications, June 2016 (AECOM)
SBC/PS/105b Sustainability Appraisal Addendum (SA) of Bearing Fruits 2031: The Swale Borough Local Plan, Proposed Main Modifications, June 2016 (AECOM)
SBC/PS/105c Sustainability Appraisal Addendum - Erratum
SBC/PS/106 Ranked Assessment of Reasonable Non-Allocated Site Options for The Swale Borough Local Plan, Proposed Main Modifications, June 2016 (AECOM) (nb a spreadsheet containing data on the reasonable site options is available on request)
SBC/PS/106a Ranked Assessment - Erratum
SBC/PS/107 Phasing (2014-15) of Local Plan allocations (inc Modifications)
SBC/PS/108 Consideration of the Local Plan proposed modifications by LDF Panel and Cabinet
SBC/PS/109a Existing and additional allocations - Sheppey area
SBC/PS/109b Existing and additional allocations - Sittingbourne area
SBC/PS/109c Existing and additional allocations - Faversham area
SBC/PS/109d Alternative sites not allocated - Sheppey area
SBC/PS/109e Alternative sites not allocated - Sittingbourne area
SBC/PS/109f Alternative sites not allocated - Faversham area
SBC/PS/110 SHLAA Addendum - Report, Index and Appendix 2
SBC/PS/110a SHLAA Addendum - Appendix 4.1
SBC/PS/110b SHLAA Addendum - Appendix 4.2
SBC/PS/110c SHLAA Addendum - Appendix 4.3
SBC/PS/110d SHLAA Addendum - Appendix 6
SBC/PS/110e SHLAA Addendum - Appendix 7
SBC/PS/110f SHLAA Addendum - Appendix 8
SBC/PS/111 Schedule of additional modifications
SBC/PS/112 CO/3653/2015 Decision of Mr Justice Ouseley in The High Court of Justice dated 28/04/2016 in respect of St Modwen Developments Ltd.
SBC/PS/113 Statement of Housing Land Supply 2015-16 (November 2016)
SBC/PS/113a Addendum to Statement of Housing Land Supply 2015-16 (December 2016)
SBC/PS/113b Blackpool Council Core Strategy Inspector's Report
SBC/PS/113c High Peak Council Local Plan Inspector's Report
SBC/PS/113d Blackburn with Darwen Council Site Allocations and DM Policies Inspector's Report
SBC/PS/113e Rushcliffe Council Core Strategy Inspector's Report
SBC/PS/113f Leeds City Council Core Strategy Inspector's Report
SBC/PS/113g Cheshire East Council Further Modifications Inspector's Report
SBC/PS/113h Preston City Council Site Allocations and DM Policies Inspector's Report
SBC/PS/114 Strategic Access Management and Monitoring Strategy - Memorandum of Understanding
SBC/PS/115 Summary of Main Issues Arising from consultation on Main Modifications
SBC/PS/116 October 2016 OAN Advice Note
SBC/PS/117 Draft schedule of responses to the Main Modifications (November 2016) - see list of documents above.
SBC/PS/118 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment - land at South-West Sittingbourne (December 2016)
SBC/PS/118a Figures 1-4
SBC/PS/118b Figure 5 Concept Diagram
SBC/PS/118c Appendices A-G
SBC/PS/119 Monitoring update of Gypsy and Traveller land supply 2015-16 (November 2016)
SBC/PS/120 Sustainability Appraisal (SA) of the Swale Borough Local Plan Post Submission SA Report 3 (South West Sittingbourne) December 2016
SBC/PS/122 Landscape Statement in respect of SW/133 omission site (land east of Scocles Road, Minster) and Main Modifications 145/146 (land west of Barton Hill Drive, Minster) December 2016
SBC/PS/122a Plans and Photosheets
SBC/PS/123a South West Sittingbourne Highways Technical Note
SBC/PS/123a 1 SW Sittingbourne Highways Technical Note Drawing Borden Lane Site Access
SBC/PS/123a 2 SW Sittingbourne Highways Technical Note Drawing Wises Lane and A2 Junction
SBC/PS/123a 3 SW Sittingbourne Highways Technical Note Drawing Chestnut St Roundabout and A249 Slip lane
SBC/PS/123a 4 SW Sittingbourne Highways Technical Note Drawing M2 J5 Proposed Interim Improvements
SBC/PS/123b NW Sittingbourne Highways Technical Note
SBC/PS/124 Kent Minerals and Waste Local Plan 2013-30
SBC/PS/134 Note re ONS (Experimental) Administrative Population Statistics, Peter Brett Associates, January 2017
SBC/PS/135 Appeal Decision London Road (Pond Farm) Newington (January 2017)
SBC/PS/136 Start to Finish - How quickly do large-scale housing sites deliver?, Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners, November 2016
SBC/PS/137 Further Additional Modifications, 26 June 2017
SBC/PS/138 Swale Borough Council Opening Statement to the Local Plan Inquiry (January 2017)
SBC/PS/139 Maidstone Borough Local Plan Interim Findings (February 2017)
SBC/PS/140 Thames Gateway - Challenges and Opportunities April 2016 (February 2017)
SBC/PS/141: Combined summary and responses to Further Proposed Main: Station Road, Teynham (April 2017)
SBC/PS/141a: Schedule of responses to Further Proposed Main Modifications: Station Road, Teynham
The Council's draft Proposed Responses (2015)
In addition to those statements being prepared for discussion at the Examination, the Council is preparing a statement of its responses to all the representations received to the Submission version of the Local Plan. These should be viewed as “work in progress” and they will be updated in the weeks running up to the Examination itself. Up until that point they should be viewed as draft and subject to further change.
SBC/PS/018a Responses to Representations Chapters 1- 3 (6 August 2015)
SBC/PS/018b Responses to Representations Chapter 4 (29 September 2015)
SBC/PS/018c Responses to Representations Chapter 5 (15 September 2015)
SBC/PS/018d Responses to Representations on Chapter 6 (9 November 2015)
SBC/PS/018e Responses to Representations Chapter 7 (16 October 2015)
SBC/PS/018f Responses to Representations Chapter 8 (17 September 2015)
SBC/PS/018h Responses to Representations on Local Plan Supporting Documents (11 August 2015)
Swale Borough Council Submission documents (April 2015 onwards)
CD/001 Bearing Fruits 2031 - The Swale Borough Local Plan Part 1 - Publication version (December 2014 - only available in hard copy)
CD/002 Bearing Fruits 2031 - The Swale Borough Local Plan Proposals Map (only available in hard copy. Email to request copies).
CD/003 Sustainability Appraisal (April 2015)
CD/004 Sustainability Appraisal Non-Technical Summary
CD/005 Habitats Regulations Assessment (April 2015)
CD/006 Statement of Community Involvement
CD/007 Implementation and Delivery Schedule (December 2014)
CD/008 Swale Transport Strategy (draft) (2014-2031) - Kent Highway Services
CD/009 Statement of Consultation (November 2016)
CD/010 Local Development Scheme (April 2015)
CD/010a Local Development Scheme (October 2016 Update)
CD/011 Duty to Co-operate Statement (April 2015)
CD/011a Duty to Co-operate Statement Update (November 2015)
CD/011b Duty to Co-operate Statement Update (December 2016)
CD/012 Summary of the Main Issues Arising (April 2015)
Swale Borough Council Pre-Submission Evidence Base (up to April 2015)
The Local Plan is based on extensive evidence and research. The following represents the evidence at the time of submission of the Local Plan (April 2015)
CD/013 Local Plan Viability Testing and Economic Viability Study (PBA, 2014)
CD/013a Local Plan Viability Testing - Addendum (PBA, 2015)
CD/013b Local Plan Viability Testing - Addendum 2 (PBA, 2015)
CD/014 The Economic Impact of Tourism on the Borough of Swale (KCC et al, 2009)
CD/015 Employment Land Review (ELR) (includes Swale Employment Capacity Study, Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners, 2010) Contents, Executive Summary and Introduction
CD/015a ELR Economic Overview
CD/015b ELR Current Stock of Employment Space
CD/015c ELR The Swale Commercial Property Market
CD/015d ELR Review of Current Employment Sites and Allocations
CD/015e ELR Economic Potential and Growth Sectors
CD/015f ELR Future Employment Space Requirements
CD/015g ELR The Demand / Supply Balance
CD/015h ELR Expansion of Kent Science Park
CD/015i ELR Potential New Development Sites
CD/015j ELR Overall Conclusions
CD/015k ELR Appendices 1 - 4
CD/015l ELR Appendix 5 Assessment of Existing Employment Sites
CD/015m ELR Appendix 6 Site Assessment Criteria
CD/015n ELR Appendix 7 - Employment Forecasts
CD/015o ELR Appendix 8 - Employment Space Requirements
CD/015p ELR Appendix 9 - Development Trends in Different Areas of Swale
CD/015q ELR Appendix 10 - Assessment of Potential New Employment Sites
CD/015r ELR Plans
CD/015s ELR Swale Employment Capacity Study
CD/016 Issues and Strategic Spatial Options - Commercial Qualitative View - CBRE (2011)
CD/017 Faversham - Review of employment sites - CBRE (2012)
CD/018 Plan for Growth 2014-20 (Thames Gateway Kent, 2014) (document no longer available)
CD/019 The Kent Regeneration Framework 2009–2020 (KCC)
CD/020 Commercial Information Audit (KCC, 2014)
CD/100 The Economic Impact of Tourism on Swale 2009 (Tourism South East)
CD/101 Faversham Area Tourism Development Framework and Tourism Survey (FEP, 2010)
Town centres
CD/021 Swale Retail and Town Centre Study (CBRE, 2010),
CD/021a Swale Retail and Town Centre Study Addendum 1
CD/021b Swale Retail and Town Centre Study Addendum 2
CD/021c Swale Retail and Town Centre Study Addendum 3
CD/022 Faversham 2020: Town Action Plan (Faversham Town Council, 2012)
Rural economy
CD/023 The Future of Farming in Kent (NFU,2009)
CD/024 Planning Matters of Concern to Farmers (NFU, 2009)
CD/025 Swale Rural Sustainability Study (SBC, 2011)
CD/026 From Field to Fork: Faversham (CPRE, 2012)
CD/027 Statistical Digest of Rural England (DEFRA, 2013)
CD/028 VISUM model Non-Technical Summary
CD/028a VISUM model Forecasting Results
CD/028b VISUM model Monitoring Flows
CD/028c VISUM model SNRR test
CD/029 Travel to Work Statistics (ONS Census 2011, KCC)
CD/030 High Speed Rail in Kent (MVA Consultancy, 2008)
CD/091 Growth without Gridlock: A transport delivery plan for Kent (KCC, 2010)
CD/092 Local Transport Plan for Kent 2011-2016 (KCC,2011)
Housing and demographics
CD/031 East Kent Strategic Housing Market Assessment for the East Kent Sub-region (Ecotec, 2009)
CD/031a East Kent SHMA - Annexes
CD/031b East Kent SHMA - Technical Appendix
CD/032 Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update and Development Needs (Nathaniel Lichfield and Partners, 2013)
CD/033 Swale Private Sector House Condition Survey (Michael Dyson Associates, 2010)
CD/034 Swale Housing Strategy 2010-2015 (SBC, 2010)
CD/035 Draft Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SBC, 2012/13). SHLAA 2013/14 now available as SBC/PS/003
CD/036 Gypsy and Traveller Corporate Policy (SBC, 2009)
CD/037 Swale Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (University of Salford et al, 2013 - hard copy available on request)
CD/038 Gypsy Site Allocations Issues and Options (SBC, 2014)
CD/039 Sub-National Population and Housing Projections - Borough level, 2012 (ONS, 2014)
CD/040 Sub-National Population and Housing Projections - ward level 2012 (ONS, 2014)
CD/041 Kent County Council Housing Information Audit (2014)
CD/105 SHLAA CBRE Financial Viability Analysis (2011)
CD/105a SHLAA CBRE Financial Viability Analysis - Appendix 1
CD/106 SHLAA CBRE Housing Market Review (2010)
CD/107 SHLAA CBRE Property Market Review (2011)
Healthy communities
CD/042 Developing Cultural Infrastructure as part of Sittingbourne Town Centre Regeneration (FEI Consulting and David Powell Associates, 2009)
CD/043 Health Impact Assessment (NHS, 2010)
CD/044 Health Profiles (Public Health England, 2011)
CD/045 Marmot Review: Fair Society, Healthy Lives Marmot Review Team, 2011)
CD/046 Prevention is still better than cure (Planning Advisory Service, 2008)
CD/047 Ensuring UK Food Security in a changing world (DEFRA,2008)
Climate change, flooding and coastal change
CD/048 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (Halcrow, 2009) (note that Flood Map tiles are available to view in pdf format via this link, due to file size)
CD/048a Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Main Report - Pages 1-62
CD/048b Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Main Report - 63-165
CD/048c Faversham Creek SFRA Amendment (2010)
CD/049 Sustainable Design and Construction Guidance (Creative Environmental Networks, 2010)
CD/050 Water Infrastructure and Environmental Capacity Assessment (Scott Wilson, 2010)
CD/050a Water Infrastructure and Environmental Capacity Assessment Appendix B (Amendment)
CD/051 Swale Renewable Energy & Sustainable Development Study (AECOM, Nov 2011) Chapters 1-4
CD/051a Swale Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development Study Chapters 5-8 and Appendices
CD/051b Swale Renewable Energy Study Addendum 1 - Renewable Energy Opportunities on Strategic Sites
CD/051c Swale Renewable Energy Study Addendum 2 - Transport Carbon Assessment
CD/052 North Sheppey Erosion Study (October 2011, East Kent Engineering Partnership) Chapters 1-8
CD/052a North Sheppey Erosion Study Chapters 9-16
CD/052b North Sheppey Erosion Study Appendices A-D
CD/052c North Sheppey Erosion Study Appendices E-H
CD/052d North Sheppey Erosion Study Appendices J-P
CD/117 Water for life and livelihoods - Thames River Basin Management Plan (DEFRA, Environment Agency, 2009)
Natural environment and open space
CD/053 Swale Landscape Designation Review (Baptie, 2003)
CD/054 Swale Green Grid Strategy (SBC et al, 2008)
CD/055 Greening the Gateway - a greenspace strategy for Thames Gateway (DEFRA,2004)
CD/056 Swale Biodiversity Action Plan (SBC, 2008)CD/057 Swale Open Space Strategy 2009-14 (Scott Wilson, 2010)
CD/058 Swale Open Space Strategy PPG17 Audit and Assessment 2009-14 (Scott Wilson, 2010)
CD/059 Swale Open Space requirements - arising from Local Plan housing allocations (SBC, 2014)
CD/060 Swale Urban Extension Landscape Capacity Study (Jacobs, 2010) Introduction and Methodology
CD/060a Swale Urban Extension Landscape Capacity Study (Jacobs, 2010) Study Areas 1 - 6 Faversham
CD/060b Swale Urban Extension Landscape Capacity Study (Jacobs, 2010) Study Areas 7 - 17 Sittingbourne
CD/060c Swale Urban Extension Landscape Capacity Study (Jacobs, 2010) Study Areas 18 - 20 Iwade
CD/060d Swale Urban Extension Landscape Capacity Study (Jacobs, 2010) Study Areas 21 - 27 Isle of Sheppey
CD/060e Swale Urban Extension Landscape Capacity Study (Jacobs, 2010) Generic guidelines and conclusion
CD/061 Sport England Draft Sports Facilities Planning Model (SBC, Sport England, 2012)CD/062 Air Quality and Planning Technical Guidance (Ricardo - AEA, 2011)
CD/063 Swale Landscape Character and Biodiversity Appraisal (Jacobs, 2011) Introduction
CD/063a Factors Shaping the Landscape Geology and Soils, Landform and Drainage, Historic Background
CD0/63b Factors Shaping the Landscape Figure 3 - Geology
CD/063c Factors Shaping the Landscape Figure 4 - Soils
CD/063d Factors Shaping the Landscape Figure 5 - Landform
CD/063e Factors Shaping the Landscape Land Use and Agriculture, Biodiversity, Landscape and Heritage
CD/063f Factors Shaping the Landscape Figure 9 - Existing Habitats in Swale
CD/063g Factors Shaping the Landscape Figure 10 - Biodiversity Opportunity Networks
CD/063h Factors Shaping the Landscape Figure 11 - Landscape and Heritage Designations
CD/063i Landscape Character Context
CD/063j Introduction to Landscape Character Areas
CD/063k Marshland Landscape Types
CD/063l Clay Farmland Landscape Types
CD/063m Fruit Belt Landscape Types
CD/063n Woodland Landscape Types
CD/063o Dry Valley and Downs Landscapes Types
CD/063p Summary of Landscape Character
CD/063q Development Guidance, Conclusions and Bibliography
CD/063r Appendix A - Field Assessment Sheet
CD/063s Appendix B - Living Landscapes Methodology
CD/063t Appendix C - Biodiversity Opportunity Areas
CD/064 Phase 1 Bird Disturbance Report North Kent (Footprint Ecology, 2012)CD/065 Thames, Medway and Swale Estuaries – Strategic Access Management and Monitoring Strategy (Footprint Ecology, 2014)
CD/067 Isle of Grain to South Foreland Shoreline Management Plan (South East Coastal Group, 2008)
CD/068 Medway Estuary and Swale Shoreline Management Plan (South East Coastal Group, 2008)
CD/069 Kent Habitat Survey and Land Cover 2012 (ARCH, 2012)
CD/070 The Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan 2014-19: Pages 1-66,
CD070a The Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Management Plan 2014-19: Pages 67-112
CD/071 Rural Lanes Study (KCC, 1997) - without maps
CD/071a Rural Lanes Study - maps
CD/102 Green Cluster Studies: Milton Creek Technical Report (Greening the Gateway, CLG, 2008)
CD/103 Land Contamination: Planning Guidance (SBC, 2013)
CD/104 Contaminated Land Strategy 2010 (SBC)
Procedural and miscellaneous papers
CD/073 Report of findings into Community Consultation (2010) MAC Associates
CD/075 Community Impact Assessment (Swale Borough Council, 2014)
CD/076 Realising our ambitions for Swale: Partnership priorities for the Borough to 2031 (SBC, 2012)
CD/077 Ambitions for Swale: Swale's Sustainable Communities Strategy 2009-2026 (SBC, 2009)
CD/078 Swale First, Corporate Plan (updated for 2014-15, SBC)
CD/079 Links between the draft Local Plan, the Sustainable Communities Strategy and the Corporate Plan (SBC)
CD/093 National Planning Policy Framework 2012 (CLG)
CD/094 Planning Practice Guidance (CLG)
CD/095 Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (CLG, 2012)
CD/096 Faversham Creek AAP: Proposals and future policy options (Tony Fullwood Associates, 2010)
CD/097 Swale Core Strategy Pick Your Own: Issues and Strategic Spatial Options (2011). For copies of this document, please email
CD/098 Bearing Fruits: Swale Borough Draft Core Strategy (2012). For copies of this document, please email
CD/108 SA of Bearing Fruits 2031 Publication draft Local Plan (URS, December 2014)
CD/108a SA - Non-Technical Summary (URS, December 2014)
CD/109 HRA of Bearing Fruits 2031 Publication draft Local Plan (October 2014)
CD/110 Interim Sustainability Appraisal (SA) of Bearing Fruits 2031 draft Local Plan (August 2013) - Non-Technical Summary
CD/110a SA Parts 1 and 2
CD/110b SA Parts 3 and 4
CD/110c SA Appendices
CD/111 Interim Sustainability Appraisal (SA) of the Draft Core Strategy Bearing Fruits (March 2012)
CD/112 Non-Technical Summary (December 2010) of the Core Strategy Pick Your Own options document
CD/112a Interim Sustainability Report (December 2010) of the Core Strategy Pick Your Own options document.
CD/113 Draft Core Strategy Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (2008)
CD/114 Help us develop our Core Strategy Vision and Objectives (August 2009)
CD/115 Known by our fruits - a clearer vision for our Core Strategy? (April 2010)
CD/116 The Swale ABC - what makes our area locally distinct?
Technical and topic papers
CD/080 Topic Paper 1 Demography and Social Trends (SBC)
CD/081 Topic Paper 3 The Natural Environment (SBC)
CD/082 Topic Paper 7 Retail (SBC)
CD/083 Topic Paper 10 Water (SBC)
CD/084 Swale Development Targets Topic Paper (SBC, 2014)
CD/084a Errata for CD/084 - Swale Development Targets Topic Paper (SBC, September 29 2015)
CD/085 Technical Paper No. 1: Coastal Change Management Area (CCMA), (2013)
CD/085a Technical Paper No 1 Reference Map
CD/085b Technical Paper No 1 Tile A (NW)
CD/085c Technical Paper No 1 Tile B (NE)
CD/085d Technical Paper No 1 Tile C (SW)
CD/085e Technical Paper No 1 Tile D (SE)
CD/085f Technical Paper No 1 Location Maps: A7-B10 Bluetown
CD/085g Technical Paper No 1 Location Maps B10-C13 Sheerness
CD/085h Technical Paper No 1 Location Maps C13-D16 Minster
CD/085i Technical Paper No 1 Location Maps C17-E20 Warden
CD/085j Technical Paper No 1 Location Maps D8-F10 Queenborough
CD/085k Technical Paper No 1 Location Maps E20-G22 Leysdown
CD/085l Technical Paper No 1 Location Maps H12-H13 Ridham Dock
CD/085m Technical Paper No 1 Location Maps L11-L14 Kemsley and Murston
CD/085n Technical Paper No 1 Location Maps M18-N18 Teynham
CD/085o Technical Paper No 1 Location Maps O21-P24 Faversham
CD/085p Technical Paper No 1 Location Maps M18-021 Oare
(Note that these CCMA maps are kept for ease of reference, but where there are discrepancies with Bearing's Fruit Proposals Map, the Proposals Map takes precedence)
CD/086 Technical Paper No 2 Local Green Spaces (SBC, 2016) - Main Report
CD/086a Technical Paper No 2 Local Green Spaces (SBC, 2016) - Appendix1 ( pages 18-51 , pages 52-85, pages 86-119)
CD/086b Technical Paper No 2 Local Green Spaces (SBC, 2016) - Appendix 2
CD/086c Technical Paper No 2 Local Green Spaces (SBC, 2016) - Appendix 3
CD/086d Technical Paper No 2 Local Green Spaces (SBC, 2016) - Appendix 4
CD/086e Technical Paper No 2 Local Green Spaces (SBC, 2016) - Appendix 5
CD/086f Addendum - schedule of summaries and responses to landowner representations on Local Green Spaces consultation (December 2016)
CD/087 Technical Paper No 3: A Review of Built-Up Area Boundaries (SBC, 2014)
CD/088 Technical Paper No 4: Influences on the Settlement Strategy (SBC, 2014)
CD/089 Technical Paper No 5: Calculating a Windfall Allowance (SBC, 2015)
CD/089a Technical Paper No 5: Addendum (SBC, 2015)
CD/090 Technical Paper No 6: Interim Review of Local Landscape Designations and Important Local Countryside Gaps - Pages 1-8 (SBC, 2014)
CD/090a Technical Paper 6 pages 9-16
CD/090b Technical Paper 6 pages 17-24
CD/090c Technical Paper 6 pages 25-32
CD/090d Technical Paper 6 pages 33-42
11) Other documents
CD/118 Local Development Framework meeting papers - February 2014
Background information
These links are to background reference sources.
Agendas, Reports and Minutes of Local Development Framework Panel
Conservation Area Appraisals (Swale Borough Council)
Indices of Multiple Deprivation - (CLG, 2011)
Kent County Council population statistics
Kent County Council Ethnic Population Estimates
Kent County Council Kent Historic Environment Record 2001
District Profiles (2013) - Kent County Council