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Validation Checklist

Local requirements

Published 15 November 2024.

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Housing intensification planning statement

This applies to planning applications submitted under Maidstone Borough Council only.

When it's required

  • Larger houses of multiple occupancy (HMO) (over 6 occupants)
  • Conversion of single dwelling to two or more flats

What you need to include

  • Demonstrate proposal meets space and room size standards
  • Details of refuse storage
  • Details of cycle storage
  • Parking survey/assessment
  • Details of concentration of HMOs in area.

Why it's required

The Council has produced a housing intensification advice note dated May 2023, this can be found at Development Management Housing Intensification Advice Note for Website 25.05.23.pdf. This sets out key considerations in the determination of applications which would result in the conversion of houses to two or more flats or Larger HMOs. These being highways/parking matters, amenity (neighbouring and future occupiers) and appearance.


Design and Health Impact Assessment

This applies to planning applications submitted under Maidstone Borough Council only.

When it's required

  • Residential development of 10 or more dwellings
  • Residential development on a site area of 0.5 ha or more (if the number of dwellings is unknown)
  • Development of floorspace of 1,000sqm or more
  • Development on sites of 1 ha or more
  • Change of use of 1,000sqm or more.

What you need to include

Design and Health Impact Assessment statements should assess how people will have access to ‘green’ space, outside space, adequate light etc.

Why it's required

Chapter 8 of the NPPF promotes healthy and safe communities, decisions should aim to achieve healthy, inclusive and safe places and beautiful buildings.


Drawings for off-site highways works

This applies to planning applications submitted under Maidstone and Swale borough councils.

When it's required

Where off-site highway works are proposed (details of which should also be included in the description of development).

What you need to include

Stand-alone drawings clearly showing the off-site highways works proposed and their location.

Why it's required

To make it clear in applications where off-site highways works are proposed, to ensure descriptions are correct (as any off-site highway works proposed as part of proposals should be included the description) and to ensure adequate neighbour and consultee consultation.


Biodiversity enhancement plan

This applies to planning applications submitted under Maidstone Borough Council only.

When it's required

Any application where there is an increase in building footprint.

What you need to include

Details of the enhancement of biodiversity through integrated methods into the design and appearance of the extension/building/structure by means such as swift bricks, bat tubes or bee bricks, and through the provision within the site curtilage such as bird boxes, bat boxes, bug hotels, log piles, wildflower planting and hedgehog corridors.

On a scaled drawing, details of the type and number of the proposed ecological enhancements, as well as their intended positions, including, where appropriate, the appropriate height above ground level. Bird boxes should face north or east and bat boxes should face south. Where planting is proposed, supply details of the number of plants of each species as well as the intended size on planting (e.g. pot size in litres). Some helpful advice may be found at:

Why it's required

Current policy and guidance included in the Local Plan, Residential Extensions SPD and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), strongly encourage ecological enhancements as part of any proposed development and details should be submitted prior to determination.


Plan demonstrating compliance with private open space standards

This applies to planning applications submitted under Maidstone Borough Council only.

When it's required

All new dwellings created through subdivision, conversion or new build.

What you need to include

An application should include scaled/dimensioned drawings which demonstrate that all flats/houses have adequate external amenity space, in accordance with relevant policy.

Why it's required

The NPPF promotes creating places that are safe, inclusive and accessible and which promote health and well-being, with a high standard of amenity for existing and future users. Maidstone Building for Life 12 provides information on public and private space, together with amenity space. Local Plan Review Policy LPRQD7 (Private amenity space standards) requires that all new dwellings created through subdivision, conversion or new build have adequate private amenity space with specific reference to the size and shape of gardens.


Plans demonstrating meet internal space standards

This applies to planning applications submitted under Maidstone Borough Council only.

When it's required

All new dwellings created through subdivision, conversion or new build

What you need to include

Applications should demonstrate that the internal space standards are met, this could be through annotated/scaled/dimensioned drawings or tables which show room size standards are met.

Why it's required

The NPPF promotes creating places that are safe, inclusive and accessible and which promote health and well-being, with a high standard of amenity for existing and future users. Maidstone Building for Life 12 promotes standards of amenity. Local Plan Review Policy LPRQD6 (technical standards) requires that all new dwellings created through subdivision, conversion or new build meet the internal space standards set out.


Information demonstrating accessible and adaptable dwellings M4(2)

This applies to planning applications submitted under Maidstone Borough Council only.

When it's required

All new dwellings created through subdivision, conversion or new build.

What you need to include

Applications should demonstrate that the standards are met, this could be through annotated/scaled/dimensioned drawings or tables which show that dwellings meet Part M4(2) of the Building Regulations.

Why it's required

The NPPF promotes creating places that are safe, inclusive and accessible and which promote health and well-being, with a high standard of amenity for existing and future users. Maidstone Building for Life 12 promotes standards of amenity. Local Plan Review Policy LPRQ&D6 (technical standards) requires that all new dwellings created through subdivision, conversion or new build meet Part M4(2) of the Building Regulations.


Information demonstrating wheelchair accessible dwellings M 4(3)

This applies to planning applications submitted under Maidstone Borough Council only.

When it's required

For the affordable housing units whereby at least 15% shall be built and fitted out to the M4(3): Category 3 – Wheelchair User Dwellings requirement.

What you need to include

Applications should demonstrate that the standards are met, this could be through annotated/scaled/dimensioned drawings or tables which show that dwellings meet Part M4(3) of the Building Regulations.

Why it's required

The NPPF promotes creating places that are safe, inclusive and accessible and which promote health and well-being, with a high standard of amenity for existing and future users. Maidstone Building for Life 12 promotes standards of amenity. Local Plan Review Policy LPRQ&D6 (technical standards) requires that all new dwellings created through subdivision, conversion or new build meet Part M4(3) of the Building Regulations.


Information demonstrating meeting higher levels of water efficiency

This applies to planning applications submitted under Maidstone and Swale borough councils.

When it's required

All new dwellings created through subdivision, conversion or new build.

What you need to include

Applications should demonstrate that all new dwellings created through subdivision, conversion or new build will be built to ensure wholesome water consumption is not greater than 110 litres per person per day, which could be through confirmation in the Planning Statement.

Why it's required

There are separate reasons this is required, depending on whether you're submitting your application for Maidstone or Swale borough councils.


The NPPF promotes creating places that are safe, inclusive and accessible and which promote health and well-being, with a high standard of amenity for existing and future users. Maidstone Building for Life 12 promotes standards of amenity. Local Plan Review Policy LPRQ&D6 (technical standards) requires that all new dwellings created through subdivision, conversion or new build have adequate internal space, are accessible and adaptable and provide a higher level of water efficiency.


Local Plan Policy DM21 (water, flooding and drainage) requires that all new dwellings are built to ensure water consumption is not greater than 110 litres per person per day


Archaeological information

This applies to planning applications submitted under Maidstone and Swale borough councils.

When it's required

Proposals within areas of archaeological importance or heritage asset with archaeological interest.

What you need to include

Desk-based Archaeological assessment and where necessary, a field evaluation.

Why it's required

Identifying early in the application process any archaeological matters that may be raised, could negate the need to conditions.


Coastal erosion

This applies to planning applications submitted under Swale Borough Council only.

When it's required

Proposals for development within Erosion Zones 1 and 2 (as defined on the Local Plan Proposals Map).

What you need to include

Coastal Erosion Vulnerability Assessment.

Why it's required

Within erosion zones an assessment must identify that development will be safe throughout its planned lifetime and will not increase risk to life or property.

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