Vehicle seizures
Chapters in this topic
Seizing a vehicle
We’ll seize a vehicle if we suspect it has been used to illegally deposit waste and the driver doesn’t have a:
- Waste Carriers licence
- waste transfer note in the vehicle for the load they’re carrying
If we seize a vehicle, you’ll receive a Vehicle Seizure Information Notice which includes:
- the reason we seized the vehicle
- information about claiming the vehicle back
- the details of the vehicle
You’ll receive an invoice within 28 days of us seizing the vehicle. You can pay this invoice online.
If you don’t claim your vehicle back within 15 working days, we’ll:
- crush if it it’s worth less than £800
- sell if if it’s worth £800 or more
If we seize a vehicle, we’ll charge you for:
- storage
- the seizure itself
The storage fee is charged daily from the date the vehicle is seized.