From the week beginning 16 September, some people may have changes to the day their bins are collected. For more information, read our news article.
Ways to pay your business rates
Chapters in this topic
Direct Debit
Use this service to setup a Direct Debit to automatically make payments towards a business rates account.
If you pay your business rates by Direct Debit, you can choose to pay on the 1, 8, 15, 21 or 28 of each month
We’ll let you know within fourteen days if we ever need to change the amount you pay each month.
Before you get started
To setup a Direct Debit payment online you’ll need:
- the name of the company or person who’s going to pay the direct debit
- your business rates account reference number you want to make a payment towards
- your bank account number, sort code and the name of the account that’s going to be making the direct debit payments
- your email address
You can also provide an email address and phone number.
What happens next
Once you’ve successfully setup a direct debit to pay your business rates we’ll confirm your direct debit is setup and debit your account on the day you’ve selected automatically.
Your business rates account will be automatically updated.