From the week beginning 16 September, some people may have changes to the day their bins are collected. For more information, read our news article.
Ways to pay your business rates
Chapters in this topic
Standing order or BACS
You can setup a standing order or bank transfer to automatically pay a fixed amount off your business rates each month.
You can cancel a standing order or bank transfer however you’d need to make alternative arrangements to continue making regular payments.
Payments using standing orders or bank transfers can take up to 5 working days to reach your business rates account.
Before you get started
You’ll need to contact your bank to setup a standing order or bank transfer. You’ll need to provide our bank details when you contact them:
- Lloyds TSB, City Office
- Sort code: 30-00-02
- Account Number: 01683611
- Payee: Swale Borough Council
You should use your business rates account reference number as the reference on your standing order or bank transfer.
What happens next
Once you’ve successfully setup a standing order or bank transfer we’ll receive your payment on the date you’ve specified. Your business rates account balance will be automatically updated.