We are currently experiencing problems with payments for parking penalty charge notices online. You can still pay by calling the phone number on your PCN. If this affects your ability to pay within a deadline, please contact parking@swale.gov.uk
Become an accredited landlord
Chapters in this topic
Benefits of joining
You can join the Landlord Accreditation Scheme (LAS) if you’re a private landlord or letting agent.
The scheme is a partnership and it’s administered by Camden Council.
There’s no fee to join and the scheme gives you:
- money off House in Multiple Occupation licences
- recognition, as an accredited landlord
- access to housing associations to let your properties
- the latest information, newsletters and development courses
For more information you can contact the Private Sector Housing team at Camden Council by:
- phone on 0207 7974 2834
- email at llas@camden.gov.uk