Elections and Referendums
Introduction to registering and voting
You’ll need to register before you can vote in elections and referendums. You won’t automatically be registered to vote when you pay your Council Tax.
To check if you’re already registered to vote, you can contact our Customer Services Team.
You'll usually need to register to vote by a certain date. The date you'll need to register by depends on the election or referendum you're voting in.
Specific information about registering to vote in particular elections and referendums, is available on our upcoming elections page.
Registering and your data
When you register to vote, your name and address are added to a register, known as an electoral register. There are two types of register:
- full register
- open register
Full register
The full register is a list of everyone whose registered to vote and can be used for things like calling people for jury service or checking credit applications.
You can view the full register, under supervision, at the Council offices.
Open register
The open register is an extract from the full register. It can be bought by anyone, including individuals, businesses and organisations and used for any purpose.
When you register to vote, you’ll be asked if you want to be included in the open register. If you decide not to be included in the open register you can still vote in elections.
You can ask to be removed from the open register at any time.