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Local Plan Review

Public consultation

Issues and Preferred Options consultation (Regulation 18) now Closed

Through the Issues and Preferred Options, we sought views on different options for distributing future development across the borough and on possible alternative or additional approaches in certain policy areas, such as town centres and economic development, climate change and providing new homes.

The consultation was open from 9am on Friday 29 October 2021 until 5pm on Monday 29 November 2021.

Availability of documents

The following were available as part of this consultation:

The Sustainability Appraisal process is an iterative process which runs alongside the development of a plan and informs the decision-making process. An interim Sustainability Appraisal report has been prepared which provides an appraisal of the development options and a brief commentary on the thematic policy issues and options.

What happens next?

Following this consultation, we are now considering all of the comments received and will prepare a summary of the main issues. Your views along with the evidence that supports the Local Plan and the Sustainability Appraisal will be used to develop the next stage of the Local Plan, the drafting of a Pre-Submission Local Plan. We will carry out further consultation on this Plan (under Regulation 19). At this time, we expect this consultation will take place in spring 2022.

To stay informed about future stages of the Local Plan preparation sign up to our consultation database.

Swale Borough Local Plan Review (Regulation 19) Pre-submission Consultation

We held a consultation from 8th February 2021 to 30th April 2021 on a pre-submission version of the Local Plan.  This was a formal and statutory consultation period during which we specifically sought comments on the Plan’s soundness and whether we had complied with our legal requirements.

Although we have decided not to proceed with this version of the Local Plan, we will be taking on board the comments received during the Regulation 19 Local Plan consultation.

You can view all the responses received on our consultation portal. A summary of the main issues raised is available below.

There were various documents associated with this consultation event which you can still view:

The Regulation 19 Local Plan was accompanied by a Sustainability Appraisal (SA) which considered the social, economic and environmental effects of the plan.

Consultation on a draft Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report was carried out in 2018. Following this consultation, the Scoping Report was updated to take account of responses.

Looking Ahead April 2018

In April 2018 we published a consultation and engagement document ‘Looking ahead’ to give you an early opportunity to shape the scope and content of the next Local Plan. You can view further details on our Current Consultations Page

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