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From the week beginning 16 September, some people may have changes to the day their bins are collected. For more information, read our news article.

Local Plan Review

Local Plan's Privacy Notice

This privacy notice explains how we process your personal data when you interact with us and information about your rights under data protection legislation.

We reserve the right to update this privacy notice. Changes apply as soon as they are published. We recommend that you visit this page regularly to find out about any updates that may have been made.

This should be read in conjunction with the main privacy notice

Who we are

We are Swale Borough Council. We are the “data controller”. This means that we are responsible for deciding how we hold and use your personal data.


  • Swale House
  • East Street
  • Sittingbourne
  • Kent
  • ME10 3HT

Phone: 01795 417850

You can find us in the Information Commissioner’s register of organisations who have paid the data controller fee. Our reference number is Z7353758.

What Service is being provided?

Signing up and registering to a service that allows individuals to comment on current Consultations for Swale. Including but not limited to:

  • Neighbourhood Plans
  • Heritage and conservation plans
  • Local Plans and associated evidence documents

How we collect information from you

We collect information from you when you:

  • Visit
  • Sign up to the consultation website
  • Contact us in writing
  • Speak to us on the phone, email or any other type of electronic communication
  • Talk to us face to face

What personal information do we collect from you

Depending on the consultation type we may collect:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email Address
  • Age

Please note as part of the current consultation, personal data may be published. The personal data will be limited to Name and town unless otherwise stated within the consultation information.

Special types of personal information collected

Swale Borough Council does not require special category data for this processing; however it is identified that as part of the consultation equality questions may be asked however you will not be identified from this as it is an anonymous submission, and these are optional.

Why do we collect this information

We use your personal data to:

  • Record and process comments regarding the current consultation
  • As advised only name and Town may be published unless otherwise stated in the consultation.
  • Retain a record so we can audit, and quality assure our services, and to inform decision-making about our services.
  • Plan and manage our services and to meet the requirements of external regulators.
  • to keep visitors and staff safe and secure, we use CCTV at our premises.

We also use cookies and other analytic technologies to give you a better experience on our website and to improve the relevance of online advertising you see. For more information, please see our Cookie Notice.

How the law allows us to use your personal information

Under data protection law, UK GDPR Article 6(1), there are lawful bases that allow us to collect, process and share personal information. The lawful basis for processing your information for the outlined purpose is:

Signing up to the Consultation Service:

Article 6(1) (e) processing is necessary for performance of a task in the public interest or official functions of the department.

Comments made on a consultation is processed under:

Article 6(1) (e) processing is necessary for performance of a task in the public interest or official functions of the department

Signing up to be contacted regarding other consultations or correspondence of a similar nature:

Article 6(1) (a) consent has been provided for processing for a specific purpose

Our lawful basis to capture CCTV images of members of the public is public interest.

Who will we share this information with

Your personal data will only be shared with other organisations, when necessary, if the law allows us, and we always aim to share the minimal data as is necessary.

We share your personal data with the following parties where it is necessary for us to do so:

  • Planning Inspectorate
  • Relevant internal teams
  • Parish Councils
  • Town Councils
  • Objective
  • Name and town may be published depending on the consultation type, this will be specified on each consultation.

Our consultation software is provided by a third party – Objective, on the instruction of Swale Borough Council.

Objective will process your information in accordance with their polices and privacy notice: Privacy Policy | Objective Corporation

We may also share personal data with anti-fraud, law enforcement agencies, for prevention or detection of crime/fraud or other legal obligation.

How long will we keep your information for

Your details will be kept 6 years after the consultation document is adopted to evidence that a fair and transparent process has been followed.

Storing your personal data

The council stores your personal data in the UK. We do not transfer your personal data to any other countries including countries in the EU and EEA (European Economic Area).

Third parties may transfer your personal data outside the UK. Please refer to their privacy notices for more details.

Marketing (If applicable)

We may contact you in connection with future consultations carried out by the spatial planning team however this will be with your consent and preferences.

Your rights

  • Right to be informed – You have the right to be informed about the collection and use of their personal information.
  • The Right of Access – you can request copies of any of your personal information that is held by the Council.
  • The Right to Rectification – you can ask us to correct any incorrect information.
  • Right to Erasure – you can ask us to delete your personal information. The Council can refuse to delete information if we have a lawful reason to keep this.
  • Right to object or restrict processing – you have the right to object to how your information is being used and how it is going to be used in the future.
  • Right to Portability – you can ask us to transfer your personal information to different services or to you.
  • Right to prevent automatic decisions – you have the right to challenge a decision that affects you that has been made automatically without human intervention, for example an online form with an instant decision.

How you can access information held about you

By law, you have rights as a data subject, such as the rights detailed above. These rights are not absolute, but if you would like to exercise your rights or make a complaint regarding how your information is used, you should contact the Data Protection Officer at:


There is no charge for you to exercise your rights. We may refuse your request or make a reasonable charge if your request is manifestly unfounded or excessive.

For independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing issues you can contact the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO)

Information Commissioners Officer

  • Wycliffe House
  • Water Lane
  • Wilmslow
  • Cheshire
  • SK9 5AF

Phone: 0303 123 1113



Your Obligations

It is important that you tell us if your personal data changes while you are using our services. This will mean that the data we hold about you is kept up to date and accurate.

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