Make a Request for Environmental Information
Chapters in this topic
Responding to a request
We’ll acknowledge receipt of your request and let you know the date you can expect a response by. This date will be within 20 working days of receiving a valid request.
Before responding to the request, it may be necessary for us to:
- seek clarification from you so that we can respond
- let you know if there is a fee payable
The response will be sent within 20 working days of the request being received, or from the point clarification or payment is received. We will respond in writing in one of the following ways:
- provide you with the information asked for
- inform you that the information is not held by the Council
- tell you if another authority holds the information requested
- let you know that we are unable to provide the information and the reasons why
Refusing a request
There are some circumstances where we will not be able to provide the information you have requested. This includes:
- if the information requested falls under an exception in Article 12 and 13 of the Environmental Information Regulations
- where we do not hold the information
In these cases, we’ll send you a refusal notice quoting the exemption and giving full details about why the request has been refused.