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Planning and Planning Policy Publications

Publications under 'Planning and Planning Policy'

Air Quality and Planning Technical Guidance

The Air Quality and Planning Technical Guidance document seeks to explain how air quality is dealt with in planning applications in Swale.

Disability Steps

This guidance helps to set out the expectations for making premises accessible to people with disabilities.

Guidance on Climate Change planning condition

This guidance helps to understand how new builds can be designed to reduce carbon emissions.

Housing Land Supply Statement

Our Housing Land Supply statement.

Local Development Scheme

The Local Development Scheme sets out the timetable for the production of new or revised development plan documents which will form the our Local Development Plan.

Sittingbourne and Milton Creek Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

The Sittingbourne and Milton Creek Supplementary Planning Document is a master plan which indicates the general urban structure and layout of the area.

The Conversion of Buildings into Flats and Houses in Multiple Occupation Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG)

Guidance on the conversion of buildings into flats and houses in multiple occupation (HMO).

Listed Buildings - a guide for Owners and Occupiers

Guidance for owners or occupiers of listed buildings.

The Conservation of Traditional Farm Buildings

Guidance on the conservation of traditional farm buildings.

The Design of Shopfronts, Signs and Advertisements

Guidance on the design of shopfronts, signs and advertisements.

Designing an Extension - a guide for Householders

A guide for householders on designing an extension.

Planting on New Developments

A guide for planting on new developments in Swale.

The Erection of Stables and Keeping of Horses

Guidance on the erection of stables and keeping horses.

Conservation Areas

Guidance for buildings in Swale conservation areas.

Noise and Vibration Planning Technical Guidance

Technical guidance for developers where proposals are being made which will generate noise or vibration or are in a noisy location.

Nutrient Neutrality in Swale

Information about planning applications for new homes in Dunkirk and Selling Parishes.

Infrastructure Funding Statements

Infrastructure funding statements provide a summary of contributions from developers following Section 106 agreements.

Adopted Sittingbourne Town Centre Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) 2022

Read our Sittingbourne Town Centre Supplementary Planning Document (2022)

Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Read our Parking Standards supplementary planning document

Renewable Energy Guide

Renewable energy and solar panel guidance.

Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Guidance

Our Kent Downs guidance sets out our policy for the management and enhancement of areas of outstanding natural beauty.

Lynsted Parish Design Statement

The Lynsted Parish design statement help shapes our environment and identifies characteristics to be preserved.

Abbott Laboratories Development Brief

Abbott Laboratories development brief sets out planning policy context, site appraisal and future plans.

Swale Landscape Character and Biodiversity Appraisal Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) 2011

Our Swale landscape character and biodiversity appraisal provides an evidence base to protect highly valued local landscape.

Queenborough and Rushenden Masterplan Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Our Queenborough and Rushenden Masterplan sets out the vision for Queenborough and Rushenden's regeneration.

Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Our Developer Contributions SPD explains how legal agreements are dealt with in relation to planning applications and Section 106 (S106).

Area Action Plan 8 Queenborough and Rushenden

Our Area Action Plan is a development framework and statement of community involvement and supporting guidance for the regeneration of Queenborough and Rushenden.

Ospringe Parish Design Statement

Our Ospringe parish design statement sets our principles of designs or development within Ospringe parish.

Strategic Access Management and Monitoring Strategy (SAMMS)

A strategy setting out how to resolve disturbance to the area's wintering and migrating birds.

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