Information about bin collections, and opening times, and out of hours services over Christmas and New Year is available in our news section.
Faversham Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 16
All of the submission documents and the representations have now been submitted to the Independent Examiner, Derek Stebbing BA (Hons) DipEP MRTPI.
Examiner documents:
- FNPEX01 - Examiner Procedural Matters and Questions 27 November 23
(PDF 300KB) - FNPEX04 - The Examiner’s Report on the Faversham Neighbourhood Development Plan 2023 – 2038 (25 April 2024) (PDF 545KB)
Swale Borough Council documents:
- FNPEX02 - Statement of Common Ground Between Faversham Town Council and Swale Borough Council
(PDF 140KB) - FNPEX03 – SBC and FTC response to FNPEX01 Examiner Procedural Matters and Questions - 27 November 2023
(PDF 342KB)
Regulation 18 - Council's Decision Statement
Swale Borough Council has now considered the contents of the Examiner's Report and have prepared a Decision Statement setting out the actions to be taken in response to the recommendations of the Examiner.
The Decision Statement confirms that the Faversham Neighbourhood Plan, with modifications, can proceed to referendum.
You can now view the Referendum information.