The rules governing public procurement have changed - the new Procurement Act introduces several key benefits. For more information, visit GOV.UK.
Commissioning and procurement
Chapters in this topic
We publish opportunities over £25,000 for businesses and other organisations to supply services and carry out work on our behalf.
We apply standard sets of terms and conditions to most of our contracts. For more information, you can download the:
- Services Framework Agreement(PDF 241kb)
- Statement relating to good standing (PDF 170 kb)
- purchase order service terms and conditions 22 February 2022 (PDF 265KB)
- short form services terms and conditions 9 February 2022 (PDF 405KB)
- consultancy contract December 2023 (PDF 306KB)
- JCT Minor Works Z Clauses March 2021 (PDF 356kb)
- short form goods terms and conditions 9 February 2022 (PDF 226KB)
- JCT (DB816) Z Clauses 15 March 2021 (PDF 451kb)
- long form services terms and conditions 9 February 2022 (PDF 875KB)
- purchase order terms and conditions consultancy 13 April 2022 (PDF 395KB)
- purchase order terms and conditions goods 13 April 2022 (PDF 175KB)
You can download our timescales for commissioning and procurement (PDF 128kb).
When you apply for a contract you must have a clear business plan and provide certain information which shows that you have:
- the capacity to deliver the contract
- sound finances
You must also comply with any appropriate health and safety and legal requirements we may set.
You can apply for opportunities online. You'll be able to:
- register as a potential supplier for council opportunities, free of charge
- register against your expertise, based on the ProClass system
- receive automated email alerts for tender opportunities
- search for contract details and download selected information