Disabled parking bays
Ask us to remove an existing bay
Use this service to ask us to remove an existing disabled parking bay in Sittingbourne, the Isle of Sheppey or Faversham if it isn't being used, including where someone’s moved away.
Before you get started
To ask us to remove an existing disabled parking bay, you’ll need to email our engineering team at engineers@swale.gov.uk. You’ll need to include the:
- address of the property that the bay’s outside of
- reason you think the bay should be removed
For alternative ways to send us your request, including by post, you can visit our contact us page.
What happens next
Once we’ve received your request we’ll:
- assess it
- run a public consultation for up to three weeks
If there are no objections then the bay may be removed.
It can take up to three months to remove an advisory bay and up to 12 months to remove an enforceable one.
If your request is successful, we’ll add it to our existing work schedule.