From the week beginning 16 September, some people may have changes to the day their bins are collected. For more information, read our news article.
My Services - the Revenues and Benefits Online Portal
Chapters in this topic
Use this service if you’re a landlord, your tenant is claiming Housing Benefit and you receive their Benefit payments direct. You will be able to see what information we have about them, including things like:
- how much Housing Benefit they receive
- how much Housing Benefit we’ve paid
- when their next Housing Benefit payment is due
- any letters we’ve sent
You will need to add the landlord service to your My Services account.
If you’ve already added the landlord service to your My Services account, you’ll need to login to see information about your tenant.
Adding the landlord service
To add the landlord service to your My Services account, you’ll need to click ‘Add Service’ on the My Services dashboard after you’ve logged in.
To add the landlord service to your My Services account, you’ll be asked:
- for your creditor reference number
- to answer some additional questions to confirm your identity