Contact a Swale Borough Council service
Available services
Housing Options
The housing options team can help if you’re homeless, at risk of becoming homeless, or if you would like advice about your housing situation.
If you are homeless, or at risk of homelessness, please complete an online enquiry form at Kent Homechoice.
If you are a professional wanting to refer someone that is homeless or threatened with homelessness, please complete a Duty to Refer form online.
If you’re homeless tonight and need urgent help, please call 01795 417485 between 9am and 12:30pm, Monday to Friday, or contact our out hours service on 01795 417711 outside of these hours.
Housing Register
You can apply to the housing register, manage your application details and send the team a message at Kent Homechoice.
You can contact either the Housing Options or Housing Register team online.
Private Sector Housing
The Private Sector Housing team can help you with things like applying for a housing grant, making a complaint about your landlord or licensing a house in multiple occupation.
You can email:
- if you have an enquiry about a housing grant or loan, including disabled facilities grants
- for enquiries about the No Use Empty scheme
- for enquiries about disrepair to tenanted properties, private drainage and caravan sites
You can write to the Private Sector Housing Team at:
- Private Sector Housing Team
- Swale Borough Council
- Swale House
- East Street
- Sittingbourne
- ME10 3HT