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Local Plan Review Evidence


Evidence we've gathered relating to the environment in Swale for the local plan review.

The Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy for Swale

The purpose of the GBI Strategy (PDF 12MB) is to identify and guide opportunities for a greener, healthier, more biodiverse and prosperous Swale. The strategy looks at Swale’s current GBI resource, Swale’s priorities for GBI, the multi-functionality of GBI and the opportunities that we have in Swale both with our existing GBI and for new GBI provision. It then looks at urban GI opportunities in Swale and how we can deliver these opportunities.

This Strategy is part of the evidence base of the Local Plan Review and will help to inform policies for the emerging Local Plan; both strategic, site specific and for development management purposes. It will also be used by development management when determining planning applications.

It was agreed by the Council in September 2020.

Biodiversity Baseline Study

This Biodiversity Baseline Study report (PDF 2.6MB) presents the results of a mapping exercise to record a biodiversity baseline for the Borough of Swale. The purpose it to provide guidance on how Swale Borough Council (SBC) can meet the requirements of the forthcoming Environment Bill, and how these requirements can be incorporated into the emerging Swale Local Plan.

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