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Local Plan Review Evidence


Evidence we've gathered relating to Infrastructure in Swale for the local plan review.

The Swale Transport Model (6.3MB PDF) was developed to test the traffic impacts of both new developments and transport infrastructure across Swale. Following the Local Plan Option Test transport work, which was undertaken in May 2019, Sweco was appointed to use the model to run additional scenarios to support further assessments for the Local Plan Review with a set of new development assumptions and mitigation measures. The work was done in partnership with Kent Highways.

The model tested both the Objectively Assessed Need for Swale, 1054 dwellings per annum, and 776 dpa which was the housing target in the adopted Local Plan 2017.

Further transport modelling is being undertaken which should be reported to the Local Plan Panel in late Autumn 2021.

We have been working with infrastructure and service providers to assess the impact on infrastructure from delivering the homes and employment opportunities needed and have prepared an Infrastructure Delivery Plan [PDF 617KB]. This will be updated as the Local Plan Review progresses.

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