Strategies and policies
Commissioning and Procurement Policy
Our commissioning and procurement policy aims to set a framework for commissioning and procurement.
Built Facilities Strategy
Download our Built Facilities strategy.
Bribery Act Policy
Read how we maintain high standards and protect against allegations of bribery and corruption.
CCTV Policy
Our CCTV policy is designed to give clear guidelines to Swale Borough Council on the use of CCTV..
Climate and Ecological Emergency Action Plan
Download our Climate and Ecological Emergency Action Plan.
Community Asset Transfer Policy
How we transfers land or buildings to voluntary and community sector organisations
Community Safety Plan
How we will work with partners to make Swale a safer place
Complaints Policy
Our policy for managing complaints and how we respond to them
Contaminated Land Strategy
Contaminated Land Strategy
Corporate Equality Scheme
How we will tackle discrimination, harassment and victimisation, and promote equal opportunities
Council Tax Reduction Scheme
Find out about our Council Tax Support Scheme for 2020/21
Counter Fraud Policy
Our Counter Fraud Policy sets out how we safeguard our funds, including cultural and ethical standards.
Covert Surveillance and Access to Communications Data Policy
Read our Covert Surveillance and Access to Communications Data policy.
Customer Access Strategy
Find out how we aim to provide excellent and efficient services to everyone
Data Quality Standard
Find out about our approach to capturing and managing data
Discretionary Housing Payments Policy
Find out about how we operate our Discretionary Housing Payment scheme
Discretionary Rate Relief Policy
Find out about our discretionary rate relief policy
Domestic Abuse Policy
Information about our domestic abuse policy.
Draft Debt Recovery Policy
Find out how we make sure we receive the money owed on behalf of all council taxpayers
Economic Improvement Plan
Find out about our approach to regeneration across the borough
Enforcement Policy
Find out about our approach to regulatory inspection and enforcement
Enforcement Policy for the Housing Health and Safety Hazard Rating System - Housing Act 2004
Find out how we use enforcement powers to make sure housing is safe and healthy
Environmental Health Enforcement Policy
Our environmental health enforcement policy ensures enforcement decisions are consistent and provides a framework for officers.
Environmental Response Team Enforcement Policy
Find out about how we work to keep the borough clean, safe and tidy
Fire Safety Policy
Read about our Rough Sleeping Delivery Plan which helps those sleeping rough in Swale get the help they need.
Gambling Policy: Statement of Principles
Find out who we carry out our licensing functions to promote licensing objectives
Housing Allocations Policy
Read about our Housing Allocations Policy which sets out how social housing is allocated in Swale.
Housing and Homelessness Strategy
Find out how we are working to improve housing and tackle homelessness
Housing Assistance Policy
Our Housing Assistance Policy sets out what assistance what loans, grants, practical assistance and advice we're able to offer to households.
Local First Policy
Find out how we are working to maximise how our spending in the local area
Local Housing Allowance Safeguard Policy
Find out how we decide when Local Housing Allowance payments will be made to landlords, instead of tenants
Mobile Homes Act 2013 Fees Policy
The Mobile Homes Act 2013 introduced changes to the law affecting park homes. The policy allows us to monitor site licence compliance and take enforcement action.
Open Space Strategy 2018 to 2022
The Open Spaces Strategy shows how the Council will protect, enhance and maintain our open space assets.
Overarching Enforcement Policy
Our overarching enforcement policy which applies to all service areas.
Parking Policy
This policy covers a range of matters relating to on and off-street parking, including provision of parking spaces, our approach to charging and parking enforcement.
Pavement Licensing Policy
Our pavement licensing policy.
Planning Enforcement Strategy
Find out about our local priorities for planning enforcement
Policy for the Reuse of Public Sector Information
Our Reuse of Public Sector Information Policy.
Property Asset Strategy 2017 to 2020
Find out about our strategy for managing our property assets
Protection Disclosure (Whistleblowing) Policy
Our Whistleblowing Policy sets out how staff, Members, contractors and partners can speak up on suspected wrongdoing in the knowledge that their concerns will be taken seriously and investigated.
Rough Sleeping Delivery Plan
Read about our Rough Sleeping Delivery Plan which helps those sleeping rough in Swale get the help they need.
Safeguarding Policy
Find out how we promote the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk
Scrap Metal Policy
Find out about our approach to scrap metal licensing
Service Improvement and Value for Money Strategy
Find out about how we aim to deliver excellent services, value for money and effective community leadership
Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) and Provision for Rough Sleepers Guidance and Procedure
Our SWEP and Provision for Rough Sleepers guidance and procedure sets out our obligation to prevent deaths on our streets from severe weather.
Sex Establishment Policy
Our sex establishment policy sets out our approach to licensing sex establishments.
Social Media House Rules
Find out about our approach to social media
Statement of Intent
Find out about the level of support parish and town councils can expect from us
Statement of Intent Energy Company Obligation (ECO) - Help to Heat
Find out about the level of support parish and town councils can expect from us
Statement of Licensing Policy
Our Statement of Licensing Policy sets out our position and view in respect of matters in connection with the discharge our licensing function.
Stray Dog Policy
Find out about our responsibilities for the control of stray dogs
Street Naming Policy
Find out about how streets are named and numbered
Street Trading Policy
Find out how we regulate street trading for the benefit of the community and visitors
Swale's Cycling and Walking Pathways
Find out how we're working with our partners to improve the local cycling and walking network
Swale's Heritage Strategy
Find out about our strategy for historic buildings and areas
Swale Visitor Economy Framework Action Plan
Our Visitor Economy Framework Action Plan builds on the first stage of work already carried out to deliver on the Visitor Economy Framework.
Taxi policy
The Council's policy for Taxi and private hire drivers.
Tenancy Strategy
Find out how we expect registered providers to develop tenancy policies for their housing stock
Treasury Management Strategy
This strategy sets out and seeks approval of the proposed Treasury Management Strategy and Prudential and Treasury Management Indicators
Tree Maintenance Policy
Our tree policy sets out our responsibility for trees.
Unreasonably Persistent or Vexatious Contact Policy
Find out how we deal with unacceptable behaviour and unreasonably persistent and vexatious requests
Voluntary and Community Sector Policy
Find out about how we let commercial council property to a voluntary or community organisations
Volunteering Strategy
Find out about our approach to increase volunteering by working with volunteer organisations
Workforce Strategy 2025 to 2030
Find out about what we're doing to make sure our workforce delivers for local residents
Public Health Funeral Policy
Read our public health funerals policy which sets out what we'll do when someone dies and no funeral arrangements are made,
Good Causes Lottery Policies
Read about our operator gambling and good causes lottery anti money laundering, proceeds of crime and terrorist financing policies.
Food Service Plan
Read about our Food Service Plan.